Chapter 25 : New born

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Chapter 25

(Dace's POV)

I couldn't see anything but I knew, I was awake. I could feel my eyelids close and my lashes, lightly brush my cheek bone but, all I saw was a dim light.

My chest felt tight and my throat was burning. It felt as if my lungs were being crushed from the inside, until a liquid dribbled into my mouth. The sweet substance was frustratingly, sinful as it only gave came in drips at a time.

"More!" a voice screamed

And without hesitation, my body lurched forward and grabbed a hold of the source. My eyes allowed me to see flashes of light before it shut my vision down again. Fingers wrapping around something soft, that can only be described by the texture of skin, I drank greedily. Only faintly hearing moans of pain, as my hold on the arm grew tighter. Before I knew it, a bone cracked and my vision instantly returned.

I stared at the seen in horror and quickly scrambled away. There was Mercy, crumpled to the ground, blood running from two fang marks as she cradled her broken arm and had her eyes locked onto the ground.

It was only then, when I noticed talons instead of finger nails that were caked with dry blood and something wet, dripping from the side of my mouth like drool.

I'm a monster.

"You hurt our mate?" my wolf whispered.

Before I could answer, he put up a wall between us.

"Don't you mean, we are monsters."a voice chuckled.

"Who are you?" I growled

"I am your dear vampire, young lad."

My body froze, and I felt my throat flare again and my vision warped. I shot Mercy a hate filled glare before running off, towards a troll but at the last second, I attacked the wolf. Tearing my talons into its throat, I looked up and made eye contact with a troll.

Surprisingly, it grinned at me.

Disgusted and terrified, I ran away from the battle and into the forest, listening to the heartbreaking howl that filled the air.

It's all her fault.


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