Chapter 14 : Internal

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Chapter 14

(Mercy's POV)

Dace entered the room carrying a cup of water. Removing the shock and rage from my face, I settled back into my emotionless mask.

Dace gave me a confused look before thrusting the water before me. Without my accord, my hand grabbed the cup and flung the water into his face. Mouth gaping in shock, I watched as water from his soaked clothes poured onto the floor.

His face contorted between shock and hurt, before he resigned in sadness.

"This is only the beginning..." My vampire whispered.

I opened and closed my fist a couple times before letting it fall to my side. My vampire could possibly be able to control my body, something not even my wolf could do.

"Mate in danger now!" my wolf snarled/growled.

"You got that right Mutt. I guess your not as stupid as I thought, Fleabag." my vampire gloated.

The two voices in my head started to get louder and I growled as I felt the beginning of a migraine coming on.

I faintly felt Dace staring at me with a confused and concerned expression.


Snapping out of my haze, I zeroed my gaze on the door as the doctor came in, faintly smelling of vampire.

I gasped and Dace raised a eyebrow as the vamps smell hit me at full force.

Wood and man engulfed me.

Our eyes met and he gave me a heart stopping smile, showing a slight dimple.

He had blonde hair and icy, blue eyes.

My body itched to go near him.





comment plz!!!

ps. I didn't have internet and I had a writers block....

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