Chapter 11: Bring me back

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Chapter 11

Mercy POV

I felt like I was drowning.

I would fight my way through the darkness, only to have it's slimy tentacles wrap around my ankles, pulling me back. I was locked inside my own mind, held as a prisoner.

I could see my body's reactions and responses through my eyes. What is happening to me? My heart broke in pieces when I heard myself speak so coldly to Dace. He shouldn't have seen that side of me. Who did this to me?

"Colton", a voice whispered darkly.

Colton is dead. I killed him! Memories floated around me, I was reliving the day of Colton's death. Loving every minute of it.

"Colton did this! He brought out your true nature! This is who you are!" The dark voice sang.

I'm not going to lie, that does make sense to me. I'm a pretty shady kind of person. But could you blame me? I've only lived in darkness, how could I know how to react to the light?

The one person I have every confided in was my mom. But in the end, even she betrayed me to save her own hide. My mom wasn't nice or friendly but she gave me no reason to not trust her.

I don't even know where that mutt is any way! She left me high and dry, in my time of need. Whispering the words in my ear as I slowly was dying,"It's a cruel world, My Dear."


The rogues were gaining on us. I pushed myself faster, tasting blood in my mouth as I wheezed.

My Dad was fighting with the other pack members and my mom and I were on the run. Smoke tickled my nose and the shrill screams of friends and family filled my ears. The tears flowed in rivers down my furry face as I continued to run.

My head whipped back, and my pace slowed. The rogue behind me snarled and ran a little faster. I franticly looked around for my mom.

"She had been right beside me!?" I whimpered in confusion.

"Keep moving." my wolf replied firmly.

I turned back around in defeat but something heavy barreled into me.

I'm a goner.

The rogue tore a chunk of skin from my neck, leaving me to bleed out. It was a very one sided fight.

I cried in pain, shifting into my human form. My mom stepped out of the shadows, eyeing the growling rogue. She shifted into her human form, not sparing me a glance.

She walked up to the enraged wolf seductively. She put a hand on her naked hip," Let's make a deal shall we?"

The wolf, blind with lust nodded,( for a reason beyond me. She looked like a fake, wannabe barbie.) She smirked(with her yellow teeth)," You spare me and keep the kid."

His glanced at me for a split second before turning his attention to the naked "old lady". I heard the dying wails of my family, louden. Tears kept flowing, as the rogue agreed.

Story of my life.

My mom knelt down next to me, rubbing my head with fake affection,"It's a cruel world, My Dear."

She laughed and ran into the forest, not even attempting to run back and help our now dead family. The rouge bit into my shoulder and started to drag me into the darkness.

That was the first time I was brought into the arena.


Why was I rejecting the darkness? It was the only thing that ever did except me! The world was a cruel world.

The darkness engulfed me, and I felt myself gain control of my body. I felt power, dark power.

That was the day I knew what I was destined for.

I was destined to rule the darkness.

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