Chapter 27: Hello

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Chapter 27

(3 years later)


My door burst open and I flickered my eyes to my Gamma in annoyance. Why does my third in command, feel the need to knock down my door when every problem arises? I've had to replace the stupid thing so many times, that the company gave up and now I get free doors, as long as they don't have too install them. Kyle huffed and puffed and his face was red from running, like usual.

"A rogue was spotted near the border!"

In a heartbeat, I was on my feet and had him up against the wall as my eyes flashed red,


Something was putting my wolf on edge and I didn't like it one bit. So far, the pack has only had minor complications and we haven't even had another war since the last one. My pack grew in numbers and our strength multiplied by a thousand. The females were allowed to become warriors as long as they had skills and we were quite flexible when it came down to rogues. But something about this particular problem, had my hackles raised.

"Near the North-border Alpha, John is the one who discovered him."

With that said, I raced out of my office with Kyle trailing behind me. His footsteps grew heavy as he tried to keep up with me. My wolf was pacing and I even felt a stir from my vampire, which was highly unusual. My warriors sensed the danger and they shifted with us as we ran out the door in our wolf forms, tearing up the ground beneath us.

"RUN FASTER!" My wolf screamed inside my mind, forcing my paws to quicken in speed.

Trees were nothing but a blur as we arrived at the scene. John held a heavy paw on the rogue's chest as he nodded in respect when I came into view. There was nothing strange about the rogue that would upset my wolf or vampire. He stunk, his fur was mangled and matted, his body was under nourished but that was common among rogues. John took his paw off the wolf's chest and the rogue automatically bowed in respect. Nothing reeked danger or suspicion as I inspected him. Deeming him harmless, I shifted into my human form and everyone else did the same, not minding the fact that we were all nude. The rogue looked no more than 16 and when he asked to join the pack, I let him.

It was the walk back that had my wolf and vampire stirring again. I could feel myself being watched and quickly mind-linked the warriors to stay alert. Tuning into my senses, I faintly picked up light footsteps but couldn't figure out where they were coming from. The crackling of leaves and the breezy wind was blocking their noise and direction. It wasn't until the wind came to a stop, when I figured it out. The footsteps were coming from the trees...

About five vampires launched out of the tree tops, grabbing a little of my warriors off guard and ripping out their throats.


His eyes were pained as he hastily grabbed the soon to be pack member and ran back to the pack house as my warriors fought on. The vampires seemed to target my beta and warriors instead of me. They made no motion to defend themselves when I attacked and it was confusing the heck out of me...

The fight seemed to stand still as I felt a powerful presence right behind me. My mind clouded as I turned around and gasped as I was hit by a wave of tingles.

"We meet again Mate,"

My eyes widened in disbelief,


he grinned maliciously before attacking me head on with his talons and fangs extended.

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