Chapter 2: Alpha

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The alarm went off,blaring.Guards raced in the cage that held us," CODE RED!!! EVERYONE OUT!"

Colton looked back at me frightened "IT'S A PACK! LET'S GO!" We shifted into our wolfs,in pain from the transformation,we ran towards the rest of the rogues.

Since we were rogues, any pack that finds and captures us would have the ability to exterminate us as well.Alpha's usually make death for rogues, slow and painful.They might torment you,put you as an omega,or worse.

Arenas are made by an alpha of a pack that seeks out rogues in order to gain money,and places them to fight to the death.They are illegal because the alphas also seek out members in other packs to make the battles more interesting.

I followed Colton's silver fur ignoring the screams of pain and the smell of death.Looking around I saw rogues against pack members brutally fighting for their lives. Based on skill, there was no doubt us rogues would win but because we are so undernourished, it weakens us.

My wolf screamed for more bloodshed but I held her back so we could find an exit.

As Colton continued to lead us to safety, a brown wolf rammed into his side,causing them both to fall from the impact.The little brown wolf limped away from us clearly injured,I started to see red as I inhaled the fear rolling off of him as I walked closer to him.Colton wearily tried to nudge me away with his snout but he already knew he was to late.

I snarled viciously and backed the brown wolf into a corner. It appeared to be about 10 due to it's size but that didn't bother me."It's prey were predator" my wolf growled in my head darkly. I lunged forward,grabbing it's neck and snapping it quickly before tearing it apart.After a few deep breaths, my vision turned normal and I growled at Colton to move on forward.

He looked at me with sad eyes before submitting and leading us to a door. Once at the door, we ran out through the forest.Colton barked and yipped for joy but I remained cold and indifferent. I sensed a powerful presence and snarled for Colton to shut his trap.We weren't alone.

"Mercy, who is it?" Colton mind linked,I let out a low growl "Alpha." We both shifted into a defensive position,as I held the animal inside me.A smokey, wood smell drew me in,sending my wolf into a frenzy overdrive,"MATE!MATE!MATE!"Colton looked at me confused as he saw me struggling.

A dark,reddish,brown wolf appeared from behind the tree's.His dark blue eyes locked onto mine,drawling me in.I suddenly caught a whiff of his scent,"Alpha mate" my wolf growled in distaste.Colton and I snarled at the same time,I hate being controlled and I hate alphas like my father.

I saw hurt flash threw the eyes of the alpha before they turned cold and narrowed at Colton. The alpha growled forcing Colton to summit,then turned back to me in surprise.

I will not bow down,I will challenge him to the death.

He threw me a toothy grin that looked a bit creepy before five more wolfs came up behind me. Expecting them to attack,I switched to offense and quickly lunged at the first guy. While in the air I felt a sharp pain go in the side if my neck.Before I could lay a paw on the guy,my arms and legs went limp and I blacked out.

They had darted me.

I might have found a opponent worthy of a challenge and he happens to be my mate.

"Don't worry Mercy, our alpha mate has no idea who he has messed with" my wolf murmured pleasantly.

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