Chapter 16 : The Doc's Orders

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Chapter 16

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

I rolled my eyes amused,

"It is none of your concern, Pup."

Dace roared loudly and Rye bared his fangs, with a hiss. They both towered over me, threateningly.

"As much as I hate to admit it, the mutt and I are your mates!"

"When the time comes to choose between your werewolf and vampire, you will lose one of us. Hence why, when the most dominant side takes over, there will no longer be a need for two mates from different species."

Even though Rye was in doctor mode, his face clearly betrayed by showing his worry and concern. Dace didn't bother to hide his emotions, as he repeatedly drove his fists into the plain, white, walls in anguish.

"It's not really a choice for you Mercy, because I am taking over your body faster than a second. So you might as well get use to our bond mate because you will be seeing him for a long time, after I take this puppy inside you to the pound."

My vision clouded as a wave of pain washed over me. It felt as if someone was ripping my brain apart. Dace and Rye's shouts fell on dead ears. All I remeber is hitting the ground as I blacked out.


I woke up, once again in a hospital bed. Rye had my hand and was asleep. He had bags under his eyes and a five aclock shadow. Arms were skinny, and his stomach looked like a bag of bones.

Who died?

With a jolt, he stood up and blinked at me a couple times before picking me up and pulling me into his arms. If I had'nt felt like a used tissue, thrown into a trashcan, I would have ripped his head off. Even though his body heat warmed me to my core. I felt like something was missing as I looked around the room.

Shaking my head, I sent a cold glare at Rye to put me down. Gently, setting me on my feet, he let out a sigh as I almost collasped. He locked his eyes on mine ,

" You should'nt try to walk when you have been asleep for a month."

Trying to wipe the suprise off my face, I settled for a loud hiss,

"Don't speak to me in that tone."

Rye's face was confused before he boiled in white anger,


I looked at him as if he had five heads,

" who is Dace?"

My head started to tingle tenderly,

"Dace is a werewolf, who is in love with you." A pleasent voice whisperd.

My nose crinkled in distaste as I heard the word "werewolf". I did'nt even hear Rye talking,

"......Dace is your mate."

My head snapped toward his as I stepped closer to him threateningly, I chuckled darkly, flashing my fangs,

"Why would I be mates with a filthy,dog."

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