Chapter 29- Kidnapped

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When Harry woke up, he was in a dark warehouse.

"Stupid muggles," He sighed, taking out his wand he had slipped into his hidden compartment into his jacket, "Such assholes, most of 'em. I picked the wrong fucking bench."

"Lumos." He grumbled, before his wand tip lit up, guiding a clear path in the old house.

Was it really that easy?
They expected him to wander around and then spot them holding a gun or something so he'd shit himself?

"Those muggles chose the wrong fucking day to mess with me." He hissed to himself.

Luckily, and wierdly, Draco had offered on putting a chip in Harry's phone, incase he was in danger or whatever. Although Potter had to teach him how to use the muggle technology, he lightened up to it.

He patted his pockets.
No phone.
Great, well the person had to be in this place with him, right?

So maybe Draco could track him down.
He shook his head to himself.
Malfoy had two boys to take care of on their birthdays, and wasn't going to waste time trying to track Harry down after ignoring his call.

After all, Malfoy didn't know he was in danger.
To be honest, he wasn't. He could pull out a Crucio spell on them and the fucking asshole would be on the ground.
That wasn't the point.

What if they did shoot him?
What if he never saw his family again?

He shook his head in regret and anger, gripping his wand tightly.
He had to apologise to Scorpius before it was too late.


Draco knew Harry never left it so long without replying or returning his call, even if he was just being an ignorant little prick.
"Track trouble." He said, quickly typing numbers and letters into his phone as they boys ate.

When the compass to Harry's destination appeared, he sighed.
"Getting into trouble again." He groaned, before picking up both boys and tearing them away from their food.

"Awww no fair!" They pouted as he locked the door behind them.
"No fair my ass, come on."


"Ah, I see you-"

"Crucio, motherfucker!" Harry shrieked, aiming his wand reluctantly and interupting the voice. It suprisingly hit them, filling the air with a shrill scream.

"Crucio!" He called again and again, until he knew the man was either dead or unconcious.
"Obliviate." He hissed, taking away the memory of any wizards or magic happening.

He sighed deeply and turned to find the door, when it aknowledged him that rays of sunlight had been shining in for the past few minutes.

He put out his wand and made his way towards the sunlight, to see his family standing there.

"My strong man." Draco smiled, kissing him softly and handing Albus over to him.

"Daddy, that was awesome!" Albus cheered, earning a laugh and a hug.

He took a lazy look at Scorpius, who just turned and put his face in Malfoy's shirt.
"Well, I just imagined I'd never see you 3 again, and I got... Angry..."

Scorps turned to look his father straight in the eye.

"You did, dad?"
Harry grinned from ear to ear.

"I couldn't leave any of you, especially not without apologising. Scorpius, I'm sorry for all the pressure and lack of attention I pay to everything and everyone, and I understand if you still don't want to be classed as my son, but understand I still love you. Very, very much."

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