The Barn

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"INSANE?!" Pearl shouted,"I tried to warn Peridot and protect her but, I just couldn't hurt him!" Lapis said,"It's gonna be okay Lapis, calm down," Sapphire cooed,"But how?" Ruby mumbled. "Lapis this happened at the barn right?" Pearl asked,"Y-yes," She replied, Sapphire helped Lapis up and said to the others,"Let's take her to the temple," Ruby nodded but Pearl shook her head,"I've got to look for Peridot," She said,"Ok Pearl, just come back soon or I'll have to send Ruby,"Sapphire agreed, Lapis went to Pearl and held her by her shoulders with a pleading face,"Please find her, I'll blame myself everyday if you don't," she said,"Lapis don't worry I'll find her," Pearl said and walked to the warp pad.

(So sorry I haven't updated I've just got a lot of stuff to do but, guess what guys!!! I MET ZACH AND GRACE I LITERALLY DIED!!!! Anyways I've got to go bye!)

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