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Pearl POV
"Peridot where are yo-" I was cut off by a huge gem monster running towards me,That must be Peridot, I run out of the barn and start climbing on top. "Come on Peri, I know your there!" I hear weird noises ,"P-"*weird noise*,"EARL-". She might not be as corrupted as we think, I look down from the top of the barn and see Peridot struggling to not be corrupted,"I'm coming Peri!" I shout down and jump from the top. I see her in her normal form,"Pearl," she whispers,"Don't worry Peri I'm gonna help," I say as I take her in my arms and start running towards the warp pad, we arrive at Rose's fountain. I dip Peri and once again everything goes white, I see her come out on her own,"Where's Lapis?!" Peri shouts"She's at the house," I say,"Then let's go!" She says and starts running to the warp pad. We warp there and as soon as we do I see Lapis sitting in front of us,"Lapis!" Peri shouts,"Peri!" She shouts and stands up, they hug so tight that I thought one of them would poof,they definitely love each other.

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