Chapter 17

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Lexi's POV

What was Dylan doing with him, looked like they were planning something. Since I'm the curious, stupid bitch I am, I decided that it would be a good idea to move closer and try listening. But, when I moved, the girl saw me and I quickly hid. From what I saw, she had big, puffy, red hair and was wearing really high heels.

I hurried towards the big shipping box I was heading to, and sat still. I didn't move any bone. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. I tried to move,but I couldn't I was too afraid. The last step I heard was coming from behind me "Lexi?" Asked an all too familiar voice. I froze until I saw feet standing in front of me. I looked up and saw Dylan.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, now I was afraid of him.

"Lexi, what are you doing here?" Dylan asked me stretching his arm out for me to take. I stood up alone and tried not to look into his eyes. I left, but as soon as I tried getting out of the field, someone pulled my arm. "Let go!" I said, but the grasp only got stronger. "Lexi wait," Dylan said furrowing his eyebrows and looking at his grasp on my arm "please, give me a chance to explain-" he continued, but I cut him off "Dylan, there's nothing to explain, you went behind our backs, and turns out you're planning something with our worst enemy" I walked away as fast as I could once Dylan loosened his grip and I pulled away.

As soon as I was out of sight, I ran to my car, got in, buried my face in my hands and started crying hitting the steering wheel. "Why would he do that?? Why would he betray us??" I thought out loud.

*About 15-20 minutes later*
I calmed down a bit, called Tyler, and after 5 rings he answered.

*Phone call*
Tyler: Hey Lex!
Lexi:, can I stay over at your place tonight?
Tyler: Why? What's wrong?
Lexi: Just...can I?
Tyler: Um...yeah, sure
Lexi: Thanks, I owe you:)
Tyler: The key is under the 2nd plant on the left side of the door. Chloë and I will be back in a bit.
Lexi: Yeah, thanks
*End of phone call*

I drove to Tyler and Chloë's place. When I got there, I looked for the key under the plant Tyler told me about. When I found it, I got to the door and unlocked it.

No one was home and it was all dark, so I switched on the lights and went to the living room.

*30 minutes later*
I heard the door handle twist open. When I turned around I saw Tyler and Chloë walk in hand in hand, fingers intertwined. That reminded me of Dylan and I. I wiped the remaining tears off of my face quickly, and got up.

"I...I'm sorry if I came in the wrong time" I started but Tyler knew that when I start apologizing I never stop, so he cut me off saying "It's fine, really, it is. Now...will you tell me what's wrong?" I knew that if I tell Tyler about Dylan stabbing us in the back, Tyler would do something not normal, and not as self-defense.

"Me and Dylan had a fight, and you were the first people I thought of and I just need a place to stay for a couple of days. I'm...I'm going back to New Jersey to visit mum" I said "Do you want me to cancel the girls night for tomorrow? Maybe we can just stay in, watch movies, and relax? Just the 3 of us" Chloë asked trying to help "That would be great...thank you" I said forcing a smile on my face. She returned the smile and we sat in silence as we watched movies.

I saw Chloë fall asleep on Tyler's lap, and Tyler fell asleep with his head on top of the couch soon after Chloë.

-The Next Morning-
I woke up to noises coming from the kitchen.

I got up slowly and walked into the kitchen to find Tyler dancing and singing while Chloë was making pancakes and singing along with Tyler.

I walk in and say "Morning" they stopped what they were doing, and when they turned around, their cheeks went red "Um...breakfast is ready" Chloë said trying to change the subject.

They were talking and laughing while eating, but all I could think about was Dylan. I was brought back to reality by a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Tyler said getting up. As he walked over to the door and opened it, I heard a familiar voice, then quietly said "Um...I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Chloë nodded and I left.

On my way to the bathroom, I had eye contact with someone I really didn't want to see. I ran to the bathroom and thought to myself 'Why is he here? What does he want?'.

Tyler's POV
"I'll get it" I said as I got up and left Lexi and Chloë, and walked up to the door. I looked through the eye lock in the door and saw Dylan. My cheerful mood was lessened by a bit. I opened the door and sighed. "What do you want?" I asked, I knew Lexi was crying yesterday but I didn't want to put any pressure on her with questions and kept my mouth shut.

"Can I speak to Lexi?" Dylan asked me. His fave was paler than usual and he seemed as if he hadn't slept for a while 'Kind of like void Stiles" I thought. "She's not here" I answered. I saw him looking behind me then back at me. "You sure?" He stated "400%" I responded "Dude, I just saw her rush off to the toilet. Can I please talk to her?" He said/asked, trying to walk inside the house, but I held my hand against the door frame. He bumped into my hand and stumbled backwards. "No, dude. She doesn't want to talk to you" I said "She will when she finds out what happened!" he said furrowing his eyebrows "But I want to talk to you. What happened?" I asked, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. "It's between me and Lexi" he answered, after a long pause.

"Anything that happens or is related to Lexi means it's my business, too. So, if you would like to come in and tell me what's wrong I'd appreciate that." I firmly stated.

He sighed in defeat, and opened his mouth to start talking, but we were interrupted. "It's okay Tyler. I'll talk to him" I heard Lexi whisper from behind me. "Are you sure?" I turned around to face her "You don't look okay?" I continued. "I said I'm fine Tyler" she snapped at me "I'll go...but if anything goes wrong, you shout for help. K?" I waited for Lexi's response, but she just rolled her eyes and pushed me away from the door. "Go enjoy your little date with Chloë. I felt like a third wheeler." She teased me. I punched her lightly on the shoulder "Um...I'm still here you know" Dylan said.

Both, me and Lexi, glared at Dylan as if he had just ruined a movies ending. Lexi and I rolled our eyes at the same time, then I walked away leaving them to talk.

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