Chapter 19

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Sophia's POV
"Cut!" I heard the director yell. I smiled at Tyler, Dylan, and Bethany. "We did it!" I basically screamed as I threw my arms in the air, jumped a bit in my place, and did the jazz hands. "We finally finished," Dylan sighed happily "after 6 long months" "You did a good job acting as Chloë" I heard Tyler tell Bethany. "You too Sophia, awesome job as Lexi" I smiled and hugged him tightly. As I let go, I felt Dylan hug me from behind. I smiled to myself, turned around, and kissed his cheek. Then I hugged Bethany tightly.

"That's a wrap" I heard our director, Robert, say. "A party will be held later, to celebrate the end of the season, congratulations!"'Bethany looked at Tyler "Can we talk privately for a sec?". Tyler nodded and they left.

Bethany's POV
"Tyler, there's something that I've wanted to talk to you about for a while now" I started when we walked into the make-up and hair room. "What is it Beth?" Tyler asked me, when he mentioned 'my' name, I felt heat burn up inside me. I didn't know how I was going to explain everything.

I've been faking Bethany the whole time.

I looked up and continued "The...the lines for Chloë. I knew them by heart because I lived that story. And whenever we kissed, I got that feeling of regret and sorrow the thing is, I...I'm not...Bethany" I took off the wig that was on my head and looked down, I didn't want to see there reaction. I knew that he probably hates me right now... "Chloë?" Tyler said shocked. I lifted my head up, and saw Tyler's face turning red. I knew where this was going.

"You were pretending to be Bethany this entire time?!!" He said getting mad "Tyler, I can explain-" I said "Explain what?!! You lied to me Chloë you lied to all of us. How can you explain that?!!" He shouted, he wasn't just mad, he was sad. "I-I-" I couldn't say anything. My mind was blank. "Why did you did this?" Tyler continued shouting at me. I was on the verge of crying, when I saw something I never thought I would see Tyler doing.

Tyler pushed everything off the table,and punished the mirror, I couldn't handle being the reason of all of this destruction. "Tyler, stop!" I said as hot tears spilled down my cheeks, but my voice was cracking and too low for him to hear me. He continued punching the mirror till it all broke and all of the broken pieces were scattered underneath him. His fist was bloody and bruised. I rushed towards him to help him, but he pushed me away and I stood there dead in my tracks. I didn't know what to do or say. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS? WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" Tyler shouted in my face. I couldn't control the tears that were spilling down my cheeks. "I want you Tyler" I finally said. (A/N: DONT THINK ABOUT IT THE WRONG WAY) We both froze in our places, Tyler's mouth was hanging open "W-What?" He said calmly "I love you...Tyler. There, I said it. Tyler, you always make me smile. Even when I'm going through a really hard time, you always find a way to make me happy. You're the only person I want in my life. Tyler please-" I said but he cut me off "Chloë, you broke up with me and if you want me back, you could've just said it but it's too late."

He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. I tried to think about what just happened, but I couldn't "Tyler just walked out on me" I said repeatedly.

After about 5 minutes, I found myself crying. I placed my head in my hands, and after a few minutes of crying, there no more tears to shed. I was staring at the wall, my mind blank, the only thing I could think about was Tyler.

Sophia's POV
I saw Tyler storm out of the make-up and hair room mad and on the verge of crying. "What happened to him?" Dylan asked "I don't know, he was talking to Bethany. She wanted to tell him something. You go after Tyler, I'll go see Bethany" I replied. Dylan nodded and left while I walked into the room that Tyler was in previously. I saw a black haired, tanned girl crying on the floor.

I walked in and sat next to her on the floor. "Hey," I said tapping her shoulder, she mumbled something and said "Can...can you please leave? I need to be alone for now" "B-Bethany? Is that really you?" I said quietly "Get out...please" she repeated. I nodded and got up to leave.

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