Chapter 20

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Dylan's POV
I rushed to Tyler, and when I caught up to him, he was crying.

"Tyler, what wrong? What did Bethany tell you?" I asked, it was silent for a bit, until Tyler decided to talk. "It's not Bethany" "What? Then...what's wrong?" I asked "Bethany is not who we thought she was...Bethany is-" he started, but I already knew what he was going to say "-It's Chloë" he continued. I shook my head, and asked "Well w-what did she tell you?" "Listen, um...I'll tell you later, but for now...I just need to be alone" Tyler said.

I knew that whenever Tyler said 'he needs to be alone' something bad was going to happen to him.

When Chloë broke up with Tyler, she told him something he didn't expect her to say, she said 'If we are strong enough to let it in, we are strong enough to let it go' and just left him, he was really devastated and got drunk.
When someone offered him to drive him home, he said 'no' and drove the car himself. I got a call from the hospital saying my best friend got into a car accident, and when I got to the hospital, I didn't leave his side and didn't tell anyone what had happened. He was unconscious for 2-3 weeks. 2 years later, we decided the best way for him to get over Chloë was to film a biography about our lives. We asked Robert to help us and he agreed. Then we had auditions for Chloë and Lexi and 2 girls showed up. Those 2 girls were 'Bethany' and Sophia. That's where it all started, leading to this day. Chloë, who we thought was Bethany, was lying to us this entire time.

Since Tyler wouldn't tell me, I decided to ask 'Bethany'. But first, I had to make sure Tyler wouldn't make the same mistake he made last time, so I followed him.

When I saw his car parked in the garage of his house, I was relieved that he wasn't repeating the same mistake. I left and went back to the studio.

*At the studio*
I found Sophia walking back and forth with her phone in her hands. I rushed up to her and asked "What happened? Did she tell you anything?" "No" was all she said. I nodded and walked into the room Chloë in.

I saw broken glass from the mirror on the floor with make-up also lying on the ground "Hey...can we talk?" I said walking up to Chloë. She nodded and wiped away the dry tears. "Did Tyler tell you?" She asked me "Well, not everything. But he did tell me about you pretending to be someone else...why? Why did you do that and not tell us?" I said/asked "I broke up with Tyler because we fought a lot-" Chloë started but I cut her off "You fought a lot but you still loved each other...that happens to every perfect couple" "Yeah...but I just thought that...maybe we just needed a short break..." She continued "but that short break turned into a long break" I continued for her. "How do I get you back?" Chloë asked me, I sighed and said "I don't know, he...he pretty broken, and doesn't want around him and the reason we started this was to help him forget..." I started but Chloë cut me off "To forget me. This was supposed to help him get over me..." "I'm so sorry" I said placing my hand on her back "I'm...I'm gonna get him back" she said with confidence "But how?" I asked "I don't know yet...but all I know right now is that I need Tyler in my life, and that nothing can get in my way of fixing what I broke" she replied. There was something about Chloë that I've always loved, she always has faith in what she's doing and she's always confident, I've missed her.

We sat in silence until I said " did that happen?" I asked pointing at the broken pieces of the mirror "Well, that happened when Tyler got mad at me for hiding the truth" she replied "Oh. So, that's where the blood came from" I said, now I kind of understood what was wrong with Chloë and Tyler. Tyler was always overprotective and whenever he saw someone with Chloë or saw something happen to her, they would either fight, or he would beat the shit out of whoever hurt her. But, they've always loved each other and that will never change. "I need your help" Chloë said "In?" I asked worriedly although I already knew what she was going to say.

Tyler's POV
'Why would she do that to me? Why would she lie to me? Does she still love me? Why did she fake everything? Why didn't she tell me? Was our relationship fake, too?' These questions kept running through my mind. I still love Chloë...but why didn't she just tell me that she wants to get back together? Why did she break with me if she still loved...loves me?

I took my phone out of my pocket and searched for through my contacts list for Bethany, since Chloë was her. But when I found her contact, I just stared at my phone for a moment then locked it. I wanted to call her, I wanted to hear an explanation, I want her to tell me why she broke up with me of she still loves me, I needed answers, but I couldn't face her after what happened in that room, I was too weak to handle what I had just seen, I didn't know what to do.

*1 hour later*
I decided to call Dylan, so I searched for his name in my contacts list. When I found it, I hesitated, called anyway.

*Phone Call*
Dylan: Hey, you okay?
Tyler: Um... Yeah, I just...I need to talk to someone and you were the first person that popped in my head.
Dylan: Uh...okay, I'll be at your place in 15
Tyler: Thanks...I owe you:)
*End of Phone Call*

*15 minutes later*
I heard a knock on the door and assumed it was Dylan so I rushed to the door and opened. There stood Dylan with wet hair "What wrong with your hair? Didn't you just come from the studio?" I asked confused "Yeah, but it's raining outside" he replied. I nodded and made space for Dylan to come in.

As soon as we sat on the couch, he started talking.

"I talked to Chloë-" "What did she tell you?" I asked interrupting him. He sighed and continued. "Well...she told me about what happened in the room and...she told me that she still loves you, she never wanted to break up with you she just thought that it was the best choice for the both of you. But, that's none of my business, that's for the 2 of you to talk about" " I love her too, but I just...I can't face her after what I saw and did" I told Dylan.

I saw Dylan with his crazy thinking face on that always made me laugh, I can never take the faces he makes seriously, but this time I tried reading face.

"Tomorrow evening, my place. K?" I nodded then he said "Well...I have to leave now, you better come" I laughed and walked him to the door "I'll be there don't worry. Just promise you won't do anything stupid" I said "Like what? What would I possibly do that would be stupid?" He asked "I don't know just...please" I said, he rolled his eyes and rushed to his car, since it was still raining. It's weird that it's raining, because it rarely rains in LA. I guess it's just one of those days.

I walked in and checked the time from my phone, it was 12am. Since I was tired, I decided to go to sleep.

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