1: Grandpa Kosuke

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Akimi's POV

"Akimi, I caught some fish," Grandpa Kosuke announced, coming from the river. His net was filled with two fresh Black Bass and one Rainbow Trout, both types of fish easy to cook.

"May I clean them?" I asked eagerly, looking up to him. I was making sure the soup didn't boil over and cleaning fish is much more fun than watching soup bubbling.

"Sure," he said, putting the net down. The fish flopped when they hit the ground, thrashing helplessly. "Better hit them quick!"

"Got it." I took out my roll of cutting knives, sent a final blow to the fish, then set about to clean them. Scales, guts, and all the inedible parts were removed thoroughly before I cut the fish into smaller chunks. Grandpa cooked the fish pieces, while I disposed of the leftovers.

"Dinner is ready," Grandpa called to me. I washed my hands and accepted the bowl of hot fish soup.

"Itadakimasu!" We exclaimed, digging into the inviting meal. Dinner was delicious, as was all those times Grandpa cooked with me. Or maybe it was the "Food is great when you have an appetite" quote from one of Grandpa's patrol-duty friends. Since Grandpa and I live and wander on the borders of the Leaf Village, we often meet some patrol ninjas squads who keep watch. Grandpa and I are no strangers to these men, and the woods are our home.

"Did you do turn in your homework?" Grandpa asked, referring to the schoolbooks I had gotten from the Academy. I learned better if there were no distractions around me, and ended up educating myself from the books I got from the Academy. So every night before every class, I studied the material and prepared notes that would probably be taught in class. Grandpa often helped me, and when he couldn't explain it in words, he drew it out for me. Therefore, I was always ready when tests came and didn't need to study as hard.

"Yes, Grandpa," I answered. "I got more textbooks too." I removed the satchel from my back, welcoming the weight gone from my back.

"Good girl. Tomorrow's the monthly written exams, right?"

I frowned at him. Sometimes Grandpa was mixed up about my school schedule. "No, tomorrow has lessons."

"Oh I see," Grandpa muttered. "Well, you have an hour to do so."

"Okay, Grandpa." I pulled out my new books and sat near the fire for light and warmth. Grandpa kept watch in a nearby tree, looking down at the village in silence as he always did. When the fire died down an hour later, I put away my books, and unfolded my blanket, alerting Grandpa.

Sleep well, Akimi," Grandpa said gently to me.

"Goodnight, Grandpa," I replied, pulling my blanket close. Life was perfect right now.

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