22: Meeting

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Author's POV

Later, all the cadets, the children Titan Shifters, and Captain Levi were all seated at the mess hall. The children were given something to eat, and of course, the kids stuck close to their favorite people. Erwin and the rest of the higher ups went to "entertain pigs" or pay a friendly visit to the Military Police. Hopefully, no one outside the Survey Corps knows the Titan Shifters are kids. Well, Akimi is an exception.

"Since Four Eyes turned these brats to tiny twits, we need at least one person to watch one twit," Captain Levi said, little Eren sitting in his lap.

"I can watch Ymir," Christa said sweetly. She might as well, since little Ymir refused to let go of her leg. Little Reiner and little Bertholdt hung out together like the good friends they were, and little Annie had the best time of her life staring boringly at Mikasa who had nothing to do but stare back.

"I'll watch Er--" Mikasa was cut off.

"Mikasa can watch Annie, Captain can watch Eren, Christa can watch Ymir, and me and Marco can watch Reiner and Bertholdt!" Connie listed.

"That's the smartest thing you've first said ever since you've joined the Corps, Springer," Levi praised.

"Thank you sir! Because Jean only knows how to take care of horses; Armin is too weak, and everybody knows Sasha will eat the kids' food! Only Marco and I can take care of them properly."


"What about my training?" Akimi asked as the other struggled among themselves.

"You could train with us," Christa said. However, everyone knew that wasn't enough. Akimi's endurance level was higher than an average cadet, and her training needed to be on par or higher than a Titan Shifters who have more endurance, strength, and speed than the other soldiers. This was one of the reasons why Titan Shifters were given special training (which nearly killed Jean after trying to attempt it. He was hospitalized for weeks.)

"That won't work," Levi cuts in sternly. "You'll have to train yourself. These Titan twits won't always be around to help you beat up another enemy."

"You're right, Captain," Akimi sighs. "I guess it's also not possible for you to train me either, right?"

"I can train you," Levi said sarcastically. "Just toss this little twit to Four Eyes and let's see how well that goes."


"Tch, can't you keep food either in the plate or in your mouth? And don't talk with food in your mouth. That's disgusting," he scolds, grabbing a kerchief to wipe the boy's mouth.

"Sworry," Eren said cheerfully.

"Feed me," Ymri demands, sitting on Christa's lap.

"Yes, yes, okay," the angelic girl spoons the creamy potato stew into the child's mouth. "Is it good?"

"It's always better if you feed me," Ymir says happily. Then promptly sticks her tongue out at Reiner.

"As for the rest of the chores, the rest of you brats have to do the other five's chores. Aki, you're on kitchen duty too. I'll tell Four Eyes that she is responsible for changing these twits back to normal. Understand?" Instinctively, everyone nodded their heads. "Then get to it." And nobody questioned Captain Levi, especially when he spoke with that demonic tone.

"Come on, you need a bath," Levi said, picking Eren up. Eren was promptly removed from the room, and soon, everyone else showered attention at the other four. Annie ignored everyone, except for Armin and Mikasa.

"What should I make for them?" Akimi wondered out loud.

"Just serve give them what we eat, only you should give them milk instead of tea," Marco suggested. "And maybe nothing too spicy."

"Right! You're a genius!"

"Ahahaha, it's nothing," he stammered. "I remembered what my mom used to give to the children at the orphanage."

"Great work, I'll have fresh pancakes tomorrow!"


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