4: Genin Level

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Author's POV

"Make three clones," Iruka-Sensei directed, sitting in front of Akimi in the exam room. Mizuki Sensei watched as the girl obeyed, making three copies of herself, holding the jutsu as long as they needed to evaluate her.

"Good! You pass," Iruka-Sensei praised, handing Akimi her own Konoha forehead protector.

"Thank you very much, Iruka-Sensei, Mizuki-Sensei!" Akimi beamed.

"Your welcome, Akimi. Tell the next person that they can come in," Iruka-Sensei said cheerfully.

"Yes, Sensei." Akimi left the room, nearly colliding with Ino who hugged her.

"So how was it?"

"Not too hard," Akimi admitted.

"Well, I'm going in after Sakura, so can you wait for me?" Ino pleaded.

"Sure! I'll wait right here in the hall," Akimi said supportively. "You just need to make three clones. How hard can that be?"

"Not very hard," Naruto bragged, walking up to the door proudly. "I've got this!"

"Uh, good luck then?" Akimi said uncertainly. Ino was about to speak when Sakura marched right up to them.

"Ino pig, I had no idea you had the guts to go and pass the test," Sakura said snootily.

"Well, Sakura Forehead, I'm going to show Sasuke-kun that I am capable of being by his side!" Instantly, the two girls were caught up in an angry fighting session again.

Akimi looked uncertain of what to do, but soon enough, Naruto came out, looking depressed. "Uh, Sakura! It's your turn isn't it?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! Just you wait, Ino! I'm going to show you I'm the better Kunoichi!"

"Bring it on, Forehead!" Sakura went into the classroom and came out victorious. Ino followed suit, and before Akimi could say anything, Ino and Sakura were already on their way home, still fighting each other.

"I guess I can leave by myself then," Akimi muttered. Naruto, who was being jeered and mocked by other classmates, trudged home, yelling back insults at them. Hinata stayed behind to watch Naruto, her dream crush walking away.

"Hey, uh, Naruto!" Akimi yelled, running after the boy. "Did you pass?"

"Uh, not really," Naruto admitted. "But don't worry! I'm still going to become Hokage! Just you wait and see!"

"Oh, I see. Good luck then."

Naruto left, Hinata reluctantly went back home, and Akimi returned to the forest border of Konoha.

"Grandpa! I'm back!" Akimi called, walking to her grandpa who was stroking a fire.

"Hello, Akimi. Want some tea?"

"Yes please." Akimi suddenly remembered her test today. "Look! I'm Genin now!" She showed her Konoha forehead protector.

"Good for you, I'm proud," Grandpa Kosuke praised. "How was the test?"

"It wasn't too hard, I just had to make three clones," Akimi said happily.

"Three, huh? Back when I first took the test, we had to make at least five clones to graduate the Academy," Grandpa Kosuke recalled fondly.

"Was it hard?"

"Well, it wasn't too hard. You just had to control your Chakra evenly and smoothly. Otherwise, one clone might be distorted, or you might not have enough Chakra to sustain that many clones."

"Then was our test easier compared to yours?"

"Yes, I suppose," Grandpa Kosuke agreed. "How long did they tell you to hold those clones?"

"About five minutes."

"We were given the same amount of time, but the test wasn't too bad."

"Did you ever attempt the Chunin exams?" Akimi asked curiously.

"Oh no, I didn't. Genin is enough for an old man like me," Grandpa laughed.

"But you're at the level of a Jounin," Akimi added.

"And I guess that makes me kind of formidable, huh?" Grandpa Kosuke continued.

"What kind of missions did you do?"

"Oh, a good number of them," Grandpa answered.

"That's.....not really the answer I'm looking for, but that's fine I guess," Akimi muttered.

"If you took the test today, then tomorrow they announce you guys in teams, right?" Grandpa Kosuke asked.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see who is on my team!" Akimi said eagerly.

"Good, good. Now, let's get started on dinner, shall we?"


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