8: Missions

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Author's POV

"Grandpa!" Akimi yelled, running towards the old man sitting in front of a fire. "I'm officially a Genin!"

"Is that so?" Grandpa Kosuke said, smiling.

"Welcome back, Akimi!" One of the patrol guards yelled, waving to the girl.

"Hello Tekuno-san!"

"So you finally are a Genin? Good going, kid!" The Jounin praised, exchanging a high-five.

"Yup! I'm going on my first mission tomorrow! I can't wait to see what cool stuff we can do."

Grandpa Kosuke chuckled, knowing the "missions" that Akimi and her team would be sent on would be a disappointment.

"Then how about dinner?" Grandpa Kosuke asked. He dug out of the fire some potatoes that were wrapped thickly with leaves. "Captain Tekuno, you and your team are welcome to join."



The next day, Daikoku-Sensei and Team Three all gathered at the mission office that Iruka and a few other Chunins worked at.

"Here is your first mission, Team Three," Iruka-Sensei said, holding up a picture. "Find this cat. It has a pink ribbon on one ear."

"Eh? Oh yeah....." Akimi remembered that once a Genin team was officially established, they had thirty D-rank missions before they could even get a C-rank mission. Talk about depression.

"We'll take our leave then," Sora informed Iruka-Sensei politely.


"Let's go find that cat then," Akimi sighed.

"We will waste time if we look and call for him cluelessly," Shigekazu said. "We need some catnip."

"Good one, Shigekazu," Akimi said, catching the plan.

In less than ten minutes, the Genin had captured the kitten inside a cage with a small bag of catnip.

"Next, you have to weed this client's vegetable garden," Iruka-Sensei explained, holding another sheet of paper.


After Akimi showed which plants were weeds, the three Genin weeded as fast as they could, giving the vegetables a good shower of water when they were finished.



"Fetch some groceries for this client."


By the end of the day, Team Three had managed to finish eleven of the thirty D-ranked missions.

"Good work, Team Three!" Daikoku-Sensei praised. "I have to run to the Academy now, so you guys are dismissed. Bye! See you three tomorrow!"


As Daikoku-Sensei left, Akimi plopped down on the ground with sigh. "I guess we still have a couple of missions left before we can even get one C-ranked mission."

"Worry not, Akimi-san," Sora said, smiling. "We shall work twice as hard tomorrow. We may be able to finish the last nineteen D-ranked missions tomorrow." Suddenly, Shigekazu approached his cousin with an air of arrogance.

"I am the victor," Shigekazu claimed, wiping his glasses. "I picked ten more weeds than you."

"I beg to differ," Sora said sternly. "I carried more bags of groceries for the client."

"I did more work than you when we babysat the children."

"And I cleared more waste from the streets than you did."

Akimi glanced at the cousins who were starting another heated argument, when an idea popped in her mind. "Sora-san, Shigekazu-san, would you both like to have dinner with me and my grandpa? I'm going to prepare some Cream Potato stew tonight."

The cousins stopped arguing to look at their teammate before exchanging looks. Finally, Sora spoke up, saying, "Of course, Akimi-san. We wouldn't mind."

"We would be honored to dine with your family," Shigekazu agreed.

"Yay! Let's go then!"

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