11: Cheating 101

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Author's POV

"If you are caught cheating five times, you and your team will be disqualified! Begin!" Papers were flipped over, and Akimi found herself staring at the written exam, all filled with difficult answers. She spotted Sasuke, who sat diagonally from her, not writing anything immediately. He was also stumped. Akimi glanced through the questions, but after six more tries, she gave up. She wouldn't be able to answer these questions without a crash course on a more advanced--

Oh. Of course.

Back with Sora and Shigekazu who were in different locations in the test room, had realized that the test was how well can they cheat, not how smart they are. After twenty minutes, nearly everyone was trying to cheat. Several failed, forcing them to be kicked out along with their teammates.

Akimi glanced around, noticing Sasuke had activated his Sharigan on the person in front of him. Kiba and Akamaru were talking in dog language. Shino.....was writing answers down.....he was cheating somehow. Tenten and Lee made use of the mirrors on the ceiling, Neji had his Byakugan, and Shikamaru.....was being lazy. Ino used her mind jutsu on Sakura, and the beautiful redhead boy Shigekazu had pointed out earlier had created a eyeball to copy off of someone.

Whizzz! Thwunk! A kunai landed right into the paper of a Genin. Everyone looked up in fear and shock.

"W-what's that for?!" The frightened Genin yelled.

"Five strikes and you're out," the Chunin sneered. "You and your teammates can go. You're all disqualified."

"Number 25, 27, 43 fail!" One of the proctors yelled as the three exited the room.

Now, how can I cheat without getting caught? Akimi wondered. She knew she didn't have a suitable jutsu or technique to cheat off of someone like Sasuke or Neji. However, Shigekazu was already ahead of her.

"Number 18, 49, 20 fail!"

"What?! You can't prove I cheated! You have the wrong guy! There's so many of us, how can you--" the babbling Genin was shoved up against a nearby wall in seconds by a Chunin.

"We were trained to do this kind of thing," he mocks the Genin. "Get out. Take your teammates with you."

Ten minutes later, Shigekazu subtly passing a card beneath the desk to his cousin. Fifteen minutes later, Akimi heard Shigekazu making a distraction, while Sora sending the card towards her. Lifting her heel, Akimi caught the card smoothly under her foot and retrieved it without being suspicious.

Several teams were taken out and commotions arose, but were quenched immediately by the proctors.

As Akimi used the card to write her answers down, she noticed some of them were not accurate. She marked the answers that seemed fishy before sending the card back to Sora who gave it back to Shigekazu. Shigekazu set to work, trying to find the correct answers for the ones Akimi marked. He cheated off of other people's techniques to cheat. When Lee and Tenten got going with their mirrors, he used them as well. After listening for awhile to Akamaru sending the answers to Kiba, Shigekazu began to detect patterns in the dog's language and wrote accordingly. After he was finished, he gave the card back to his cousin who corrected himself and sent it back to Akimi.

"Number 13 fail! Numbers 37, 10 fail!"

"Hey-- AHHH!!!"

Sora sent the card back to Shigekazu, who slipped it into his neighbor's pocket. Sure enough, the victim found it and began using it.

"Number 21! You are disqualified!" Sora smiled as he saw the girl sitting beside Shigekazu removed immediately along with her teammates. "Numbers 33 and 42 fail!" As the girl left, Shigekazu fished the card from her and sent it towards Sora.

As expected, another person was caught around Sora who skillfully planted the cheat card on two people. To destroy any risk of being caught, however, Sora immediately disposed of the card after the person behind him was disqualified.

"Time's up!"

They had their fun, for now, at least.

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