42: Letters

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Author's POV

These are the letters that Akimi wrote to Gaara whenever she could, keeping their relationship strong, but gentle. Gaara never threw away any of her letters and after the first year, he wrote back for the first time. Akimi suffered a lot during the first several months of school, but with the aid of writing letters constantly, Akimi never emotionally broke down. When Gaara wrote back to her, she was more than relieved to know her letters got through him.

Dear Gaara,

It's been two weeks since I've first written to you. Hopefully, you got that letter, otherwise, this would be awkward. Like what if I send all my letters to the wrong address? That would be so embarrassing! Anyways, I'm a Totsuki Student! I live in the Polar Star Dormitory, which is the only dorm on campus of fifty rooms, looks terrible on the outside, but a nice hotel on the inside. The beds are nice, but sleeping on the floors is nicer. That's how I usually sleep each night. As for classes, it pretty busy and stuff. I have the academics, and then, of course, cooking! We literally have tests every day! If we get a B- or lower, we get expelled! I barely passed with a B. Not a B+. I am going to die.....

Akimi Maruboshi

Dear Gaara,

What is this? My eighth letter already? It's been about.....twenty weeks I think? Wow. I wrote to you every two weeks, so hurray for me! Going on, my grades got up a little. I used to be a B student, but with the help of my friends, I'm an A+ student! All that work really paid off! I can't believe I have wasted so much time studying with books! Seriously, my friends told me the best way to prep for an exam was to do hands on training. Anyways, besides the usual lecture classes, I also have to do the cooking classes. I did pretty well. I got an A for all those classes (phew). On top of all that, since I have high grades, I can finally join a club! Dojima-Senpai suggested the herb growing club or the spice club. I don't know which one I should choose!

Akimi Maruboshi

Dear Gaara

It feels like I haven't talked to you for a decade! So much has happened this week. While I was looking for clubs a couple days ago, this white short haired girl came up to me all sassy-like and said, "Hey! I've heard of you! You're that little poisonous girl right? The one who got picked up by Dojima, right? I'm Alice Nakiri, and I want you!" My dear goodness. That was the scariest moment of my life. She literally dragged me to who-knows-where and wouldn't stop talking about how much she wants me. Later on, I learned she's a super awesome cook who kept teaching me so many techniques of cooking. If I were to describe her cooking style, it would be like a scientific princess. Her bodyguard and aid, Ryō Kurokiba taught me about seafood. His cooking style is much like of a madman and a slowpoke. Yeah.

Akimi Maruboshi

Dear Gaara,

I'm not going to even bother calculating how many letters it has been. Months, ah that's a good estimate. Now then, let's see. So far, ever since Alice made me join her team, I've learned how to cook using extraordinary machines. After awhile, she told me she was done with me. So now I have to go find a club, again. That spice club sounds extremely interesting, but before I could decided, another Nakiri showed up. It was Alice's cousin, Erina Nakiri. Wonderful. I see her so often, because Alice made me live in the Nakiri mansion with her. Now, Erina wants me. She taught me how to cook using the finest of ingredients, taste, and serving style. Like Alice, Erina is a princess in her own way. In addition, Erina's aid Hisako Ararto specializes in medical cooking, so I stuck with her a lot. I learned later, that Erina wanted to see if I was worth her time, being a herb, medicine, and poison specialist. I don't know if I passed her standards, though.

Akimi Maruboshi

The sequel to this book is called Suna's Ninja.

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