28: Rescue us

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Author's POV

Akimi collapsed as well, a stab of a kunai right into her abdomen. The enemy ninja looked at the two children, then emotionlessly turned away to find another victim.

Only to be cut through the heart with Asuma's blades. "That's a small payment for hurting two of the former Academy's students." The enemy fell wordlessly, and a few Jounin came into view, seeing the injured girl and the large pile of rocks. "There's a kid under there! Get him out!" Asuma ordered, leaving the scene. "Daikoku! I think they are yours!"

"Akimi!" Daikoku carefully removed the knife plunged deep in her as a medical ninja came and examined the girl other, trying to give first aid.

"She needs to get to the hospital now," the medicinal ninja said urgently. "She won't last long. The knife went right into her stomach. Is there another patient?"

"Under the rocks."

Both Akimi and Sora were taken to the hospital immediately. Akimi had six fractured bones and heavy bleeding. In her limbs and abdomen. Sora, however, was worse off with low Chakra and an unstable mind set. His body was exhausted and weak, and he had overexerted himself to keep up with Akimi.

"Send them to the ER, code four!"

Five hours passed, and Akimi was taken to a hospital room to recover as a patient. Sora was placed in the Emergency Care Room, surviving on blood bags, an oxygen mask, and a IV drip. Tubes were inserted through his nose, bandages were covering his head and arms, his face bloody and patchy.

Another seven hours later, Akimi slowly opened her eyes, blearily looking at the white ceiling. Her eyes felt dry, and her body sore and achy. She mustered her strength to turn her head, and even that felt like too much effort to do so. Her eyes straightened, and she spotted a glass pitcher and a paper cup sitting on the nightstand.

The door slid open quietly, and someone walked in, shutting the door behind. Akimi was too tired to see who it was.

"Hello, are you awake?" A doctor asked.

"H--" Akimi struggled to talk.

"Hey, hey, don't over do it," the doctor scolded, reaching over to help Akimi to sit up. She wrapped a steady arm around the girl, helping her take sips of cool water. "At least you're awake. That's a start." She started a basic checkup over Akimi again before handing her some medicine and giving her some eye drops. "Sleep well."

Akimi's eyes closed again, her brain shutting off. Sleep had never felt so strange. She couldn't move too well.

Few hours later, Akimi became aware someone had entered her room again. She opened her eyes slowly to see her Grandpa peeling an sweet pear for her. "Here you go." He fed her the bite-sized fruit cubes slowly, one by one. "I heard what happen to you. I'm proud you could stand your ground as much as you could, Akimi. The final stab had hit your stomach. Luckily, the surgeons were able to keep it together, but you can't do any strenuous activities anymore."

Akimi hung her head disappointedly. She loved to run around and feel the wind rushing past her. It was almost as if she was flying.

"Are my teammates okay?" She whispered.

"I think one of them are missing. The other boy is in the Emergency Care Room. He is severely mentally injured and his Chakra is nearly depleted."

"What about the attack?"

"Konoha won. However, Orochimaru killed Lord Hokage Third."

"What? Wait, Hoakge-sama?" Akimi couldn't believe it. "How? What happened?"

"I was not present at the battle, but he is truly dead. His funeral is in two days. If you're well, I can take you to the funeral."

"O-okay. Thank you, Grandpa."

"Take it easy, Akimi. You did well." As soon as he left, Akimi pressed her fingers against her eyes, willing herself not to cry. Yet she couldn't stop the flow of tears that insistently came. She cried silently, her heart breaking to pieces.

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