33: The Sabaku Siblings

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Author's POV

Gaara and Akimi spent most of their time together now. He would walk with her throughout the village, then come back to have her daily check up. Also, after Sora's funeral, Akimi would ask Gaara to take her to the graveyard to see Sora's gravestone. They had the routine of doing this daily. In addition, the tests and checkups showed that she needed surgery for a new stomach soon. The doctors would take her in two weeks.

"How are your brother and sister?" Akimi asked, using her cane. Gaara carried the bag of treats Akimi had insisted on buying for his siblings.

"Alright.....they seem fine."

Akimi grinned and they went right into the hotel where Kankuro and Temari were staying. Their Sensei, Baki had already gone back to Suna, and the three siblings would also be taking their leave soon. Before that though, Akimi wanted to meet the Sabaku Siblings.

Gaara led her to the elevators and straight to room 322. "Temari, it's--" instantly, the door was opened, and Temari was behind it.

"Gaara! Come on in!" She suddenly noticed Akimi standing nearby. "Um, are you coming in too?"

"Yes," Gaara answered quickly.

"Nice to see you again, Temari-san," Akimi greeted with a smile. "We've brought sweets for you all to enjoy." Temari brightened up immediately.

"I'll go get Kankuro," she said, getting up to fetch her brother. Gaara sat in silence, a blank slate on his face, while Akimi and the older Sabaku siblings talked.

"So, you're our little brother's new best friend, huh?" Kankuro asked cheerfully. "That's great! Gaara won't be so lonely anymore!"

"I'm glad you could open him up, even if it was a little," Temari added. "He's had a rough past and it's hard to get him to talk to us."

"I see. You weren't exactly the buddy-buddy siblings, right?"

"You could say that," Kankuro agreed.

"Anyways, we brought some treats for you guys," Akimi said brightly, holding up a bag. "Would you care for some macaroons?"

All four of them had a share of some colorful macaroons before the time was up, and Akimi had to return to the hospital for a couple of shots.

"Bye, Akimi! See you around!" The older siblings called, waving to the injured girl and their younger brother.


Gaara escorted her back to the hospital and handed her two irises as usual. In exchange, Akimi gave him two red pansies.

"Thank you, Gaara-san!" She called. Gaara acknowledged it and left silently.

Days came and went. Akimi found out Gaara liked all the sweets she brought him and a big sweet tooth. I knew he wasn't like Sasuke; that guy doesn't even like sweets! Akimi thought proudly, watching Gaara carefully tasting some green tea chocolate. Okay, okay fine, maybe liking sweets or not doesn't make someone evil, but still, Sasuke's a cold person and food doesn't get through that boy's heart.

On the day of her surgery, Akimi was not allowed to leave the hospital. Instead, Gaara spent the first three hours with her, watching her drink cups after cups of water, then left when she needed to relax for the next couple hours. Afterwards, Akimi was taken into the surgery room.

"Doctor, can I return to my ninja life after this?" Akimi asked one of the doctors wheeling her bed through the doors.

"Most likely not," he said. "I'm sorry, but our medicinal ninjutsu is extremely limited."

"Oh.....I see." Akimi, the surgeons, and the doctors went into the operation room, and the red sign "operation" lit up.

No one really noticed an eye ball in the corner of the hallway, watching the doors. Sometimes it floating towards the windows of the doors, then after watching a bit, it would float away and back to its corner, keeping an eye on the doors.

Even if Gaara didn't exactly trust Akimi, he wasn't about to let her die. He would protect her as much as he could.

 He would protect her as much as he could

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