37: Wasabi Clan

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Author's POV

Akimi trailed further behind, knowing which way to get to the Land of Tea. Now, if I just keep walking, I'll be able to arrive at the start of the race. Being a traveler, Akimi had watched the race four years ago with one of her grandpa's friends. She remembered the people of the Land of Tea treated the Great Race like it was a holiday, taking the day off and celebrating the win.

Aiimi's calculations were off by three hours. The race had already started, Team Seven gone, and no one except the audience were around the port.

"Excuse me, may I have a map of the race?" Akimi asked politely.

"Here you go!" The fisherman gave her a map, and Akimi scanned it over.

"So, they hitch a boat ride to the other side, grab the stone, and run back to the shrine. But then where's the other runner? And why is there only one boat gone?" Akimi wondered out loud.

"Well, the runner Morino Idate for the Wasabi Family decided to run towards north," the fisherman said. "The other guy running for the Wagarashi Family took the ship."

"Ah, thank you sir," Akimi said, giving the map back. She headed over the head of the Wasabi Family Joricho.

"Sir, may I use that boat?" Akimi asked him.

"Are you the fourth member of the team Naruto mentioned?" He asked. "The race has already started, three hours ago."

"No matter, sir. Time is important to me. May I take that boat?" Akimi repeated.

"Very well. Do you need help to steer it?" He offered.

"No thank you, sir. I'm good."

Perfect timing. I'll act as the second ambush team of one. This way, if the team and Idate run into trouble, I'll try my best to help.....although I won't be able to fight for very long.

Akimi arrived right at the fight of a Team Seven against the enemy ninja the Wagarashi Family had hired. Akimi narrowed her eyes and grabbed a bottle filled with clear gel beads of eszopiclone, a drug that caused victims to sleep or become drowsy.

Fastening on a mask, Akimi grabbed a few gel beads and with trained accuracy, she flung a kunai with a paper bomb right next to the enemy. The bomb exploded, breaking the gel beads she had fastened. The gel bead evaporated, letting the drug seep into the smoke.

"Now!"The enemy tried to escape, but was caught in Naruto's Rasengan. Sasuke and Sakura were down below in a cliff edge, while the enemy Aoi fell into the whirlpool.

"Great," Akimi said, nodding. "Greetings, I'm Akimi Maruboshi. You must be Idate Morino. I'm sorry I came so late to help."

"Nice to meet you," Idate said gratefully.

"Thanks, Akimi! You came at the right time!" Naruto yelled.

"No problem! You guys go on ahead and run! I'll help Sakura and Sasuke!"

"Got it! Don't worry, Sasuke! Sakura! Akimi's here!" The blond boy called down to his teammates.

"Okay!" Sakura yelled back. Akimi started to climb down as Naruto and Idate swung across and made their way towards the shrine.

"Hello, looks like you need some first aid care," Akimi remarked, reaching the cliff ledge where Sakura and Sasuke were staying.

"Akimi!" Sakura cheered.

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