25: Akimi's turn

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Author's POV

"Next! Dosu vs. Akimi!" Akimi went to the arena and waited, but Dosu didn't show up. "Last call for participant Dosu!"

Suddenly, another Jounin came running and alerted the proctor, who nodded once. "Unfortunately, Dosu was found dead this morning. Therefore, Akimi wins by default! Next! Sora vs. Suiu!"

"Wait, can't I battle Shino?" Akimi pleaded. "Neither of us got a turn, so can we fight each other?"

The proctor glanced at her briefly. "I'll ask for permission." Akimi stood awkwardly in the arena alone, as the proctor left to inquire the Hokage. He came back minutes, shaking his head. "Sorry, but the Hokage doesn't want to delay any more time."


"I don't know the details, but you might want to go find your Grandpa," he murmured, straightening his posture. "That's what the Hokage said to me to tell you."

"Oh, okay then." Akimi dejectedly left the arena, and Sora's match with Suiu began. Instead of watching, Akimi went to look for her grandpa. He was either helping the ninja patrol guards on the border lines, or right outside the main arena building.

"Grandpa!" She yelled, spotting him sitting comfortably on the ledge of a roof. "There you are!"

"Akimi, come over here," he said urgently, opening his arms to her. Akimi reached him quickly, and they sat on the ledge, watching the match below. "Listen to me, Akimi, do you remember the three great Sannin?"

"Yes, Grandpa.....?"

"Good. Answer me quick now. Do you remember what their names are?"

"Lord Jiraiya, Lord Orochimaru, and Lady Tsunade."

"Right. Who became rogue?"


"He's here in this village, posing as the Kazekage," he whispered hoarsely into her ears. "See the Hoakge and Kazekage? That's him."

"Shouldn't they get rid of him?"

"No, it would be foolish to go attack him without a plan. He's too powerful, and Lord Third doesn't know what sort of forbidden techniques he's learned throughout the years."

"Then what do we do?"

"We wait. He's gathered the Sound and the Sand ninjas to aid him. I'm not certain of his goal, but he is fixated on watching the match between Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara no Sabaku. Be on guard. If necessary, use your Chakra medicines to give first aid to the injured. I feel a great battle approaching."


The Maruboshi family sat on the ledge, watching the two contestants fight against each other, Suiu was proficient at water, but Sora had such high-level concentration and balance of his Chakra, he managed to defend himself from the Jutsus he couldn't dodge. In the end, the match was a tie. Both collapsed before either could give a final blow.

"This is the last call for Sasuke Uchiha," the proctor called warningly. Suddenly, Sasuke bursted through the doors with Kakashi Sensei behind him.

"Oh.....are we late?"


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