13: Rain Team

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Author's POV

During the afternoon of the second day, Team Three were still going strong. Medicines, food, water, and supplies were all collected in hopes for being trading items for scrolls. So far, they hadn't run into any tough ninjas that could potentially kill them. Also, if they did, Shigekazu had decided to make one of their spare scrolls look like a fake earth scroll. If they had to, they could give up one of their heaven scrolls they had stolen.

"I feel three Chakra presences nearby," Sora announced.


"Twenty meters to the right. One of them is injured."

"Let's go!"

"Watch out! There are traps!"


Team Three hurried to look for the Genin team. Sure enough, a team from the Rain Village were located right where Sora said they would be. Akimi approached them cautiously. She also noticed they hadn't eaten anything.

"Stop! We don't have any scrolls! Leave us alone!" A girl screams, jumping up with a kunai.

"No, I'm not going to hurt you. We aren't going to. We want to help," Akimi said slowly. "I have medicine and food. If you want, we can help you. If not, we can leave the supplies here and leave immediately."

The injured boy began coughing violently, capturing the attention of both teams.


"Please, let me help," Akimi pleaded. "He's not going to last very long."

"He has a fractured leg and a high fever," Shigekazu added. "He's also in a lot of pain."

"Please, let me help," Akimi repeated.

"Why do you want to help us? If it's the scroll, we don't have it," the girl replied. "Go away! We can handle this just fine!"

"Hyan, please just let them," the third teammate begged. "We don't have anything."

"How can you be so trusting, Kyo?!"

"I don't like seeing people die!" Akimi shouted. "He's going to die if no one does something!"

"Over my dead body!" Hyan runs towards Akimi, but is suddenly stopped by her other teammate. "Let me go!"

"Stop it, Hyan," the boy snaps. "Please, help us." He directed that to Team Three.


"Sora, scan him over," Akimi orders, grabbing her medicines. "Shigekazu, hot water please."


While Akimi and Shigekazu tended to Jiro, Sora provided the Hyan and Kyo with food and water. Hyan instantly refused to eat or drink, claiming that she doesn't trust just anyone. Kyo, however, accepted the food and feels refreshed. Two hours later, Jiro's fever breaks, and his fractured leg is in a makeshift cast of wood and vines. Akimi has even slathered on a thick layer of aloe sap all over their minor wounds. No doubt, the Rain Team might fail, but at least they could come out alive and in one piece.

"Thank you so much," Kyo said gratefully. "You have no idea how much we are in debt to you."

"It's alright," Akimi says, relieved. "I just don't like to see people suffer."

"Um, which scroll do you need?" He asks curiously.

"The earth scroll," Akimi said.

"You know, we saw someone hide a scroll over at the waterfall," Kyo said thoughtfully. "I am pretty sure it's a earth scroll. We were going to take it, but with one teammate down and our own scroll missing, we can't."

"Ah, thank you for the information!" Akimi replies. "We've left extra firewood, food, water, and medicine for you all if you need it. We'll be going now, bye!"

"Bye! And thank you again!"

As Team Three leaves, they don't notice the smirks on Kyo's face.

"You lied to them," Hyan sneers. "But is there really a scroll there at the waterfall?"

Kyo chuckled darkly. "I'm not so sure about a scroll there, but I know the one of the Sound Genin teams is there."

"Good going, Kyo!"

"Thanks. And they were nice to leave more than half of their food and water for us. Not to mention we still have the earth scroll," Jiro speaks from the ground. "That fake fever medicine really did the trick."

"And they have the heaven scroll that we need," Hyan adds. "We'll take it from them in no time!"


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