Chapter 11

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(Ending to the last chapter)

"I can't actually believe that you were considering going back to with Lita and Matt." Trish stated angrily.

"Trish it's not like that, that's my brother. Memories began to stir. Don't worry at all, I'm with you." Jeff kisses her.

She pulled back. "Are you really?" Trish asked.

"Yeah, honestly I am." Jeff assured her.

Trish smirked. "I have an idea. We'll finish Mita(😂😂) up soon. Then we'll go after that backstabbing clown, Rob
~In their hotel~  3am

"Trish, go to bed. You've been up too long focusing on Matt, Lita, and Rob." Jeff sighed.

"Jeff, leave me alone, all the crap that they're putting us through. Something needs to be done. I don't feel like you supporting us."

"Trish are still mad what happened earlier tonight. I apologized."

"Jeff, we made a commitment, you said we were in this together." Trish automatically got an idea. "Jeff I got a plan, all I need to know do you love me."

"Yes of course I do." Jeff said drowsily.

"Well Jeff next week on Raw, let's just say it'll be a day Matt, Lita, and Rob won't forget." She smirked as she laid down.

~Next Week on Raw~

Matt walked up to his brother backstage. "Jeff." Matt said as Jeff rolled his eyes.

"I don't have time to talk Matt." Jeff stood up.

"Wait, Jeff, I want what's best for you but Trish has gotten to you. She's a bad example for you. All Amy and I want is you back, would you come back. Brother Nero." Matt smiled.

Jeff hesitated for a few minutes. "Matt, I—" Jeff started then Trish walked onto the scene.

"Jeff?" Trish questioned as she walked over to the brothers.

"Yes, Trish?" He asked knowing she was livid.

She smiled. "Jeff we are doing this now, follow me." Trish dragged Jeff along with her

Matt had a disgusted look on his face. "He will be back soon" Matt walked to his locker room. Matt opened the door and saw his girlfriend currently watching the match of RVD vs Test.

"Any luck?" She pulled her eyes away from the screen to look at Matt.

"Not at all." He sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Ames, he'll learn eventually."

"Yeah" they turned their head back to the television.

Trish and Jeff walked out during the RVD match. Rob and Test completely stopped to listen to the small blonde who currently had a mic in her hand. "RVD did you miss me. Don't think you'll threaten me and get away with it." Rob rolled his eyes and Trish snapped her fingers. Test turned Rob around and big booted him. Rob was laid out.Trish and Jeff got into the ring and test got out the ring. "Thanks Test, now everyone Jeff and I have a big then planned tonight. Matt and Lita I hope you're watching in the back." Trish smirked.

Jeff reached in his pocket and got down on one knee. "Trish, will you marry me?"

"Yes I will." Trish accepted the ring and brought Jeff into a kiss.
Sorry for mistakes
It's been a long time since I updated this story, but I like this chapter. Comment ya thoughts.

So yeah...........
See ya in the Future

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