smol update

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alright first off, I know. another authors note. your all like

wtf lady. you just made one last night. we dont care about you. we just want the story.

yeah well if you want an 'oh so great story,' its gonna take a minute!

So I updated the cover of the book, to my favorite piece of art in the world cause 1, I didn't want people on my ass like


So I updated the cover to the lovely @MissSoda04 's picture.

And if ANY of you have any negative comments over it, I will kick your ass. You'll be blocked, reported, and I will do anything I can to rip you to shreds.

Also! I was gonna update tonight but I uh...kinda forgot my laptop...its gonna have to wait till tomorrow. I hate doing updates on my phone.

And just so you all know, I read each and every comment I get on any of my stories. And I read all of them on the last one and I'm seriously sitting there like

Did I accidently hypnotized these people? Jfc its really not as great as you think. Its got bad grammar, short chapters, I can barely keep it going, not original, can't even think of a good title, and jfc

so yeah. and on a personal level, I will tolerate no fights or bullying in the comments. Nobody has done it, but I want to make it clear now that I can't stand fights. They're annoying as shit. If its a negative things towards me, I couldn't care less. Go for it. more power to you. But if its against somebody else's comments, I'm gonna step in. Just an FYI.

so, I hope your all okay with this, Arigato for reading...evenifitstheworstthingaliveinthefanfictionplanet and I'll see everybody (hopefully) in the next chapter.

bye! (≧∇≦)/

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