Chapter two

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Sheri Murphy ©
All rights reserved
Chapter two

"So! You're not going to practice today then right?" Jazz asked, repositioning her hands. "I mean you have a game tonight, you're already sore. Don't you think it's best you don't?"

"You worry too much sometimes. I like that you do. I'm not faulting you for your fears. I'm okay, I promise I'll tell you when I cannot do something." I moved so she could get a better grip on the spot she was working on. Then I finished with. "However, no! I promised you today I wouldn't practiced, so I won't. Okay!" I
asked looking over my shoulder into her eyes.

"Yes! Thank you!" She said, getting up to stretch.

"Thank you!" I said, you need one? I asked reaching down tying my shoe.

"Nah! I'm okay right now but later would probably be nice."

"You might be giving me another massage later." I stood up and stretched. "Wow! It does feel better. Thank you!"

We started walking over to where her brother Fox was shooting hoops. We could see there was a few other people there and when Jasmine saw the look on my face she grabbed my hand and pulled in the opposite direction.

"What?" I said. Stumbling backwards. "Where are we going?"

"Away from here. I seen that glazed look come over your eyes." Continuing to drag me down the sidewalk.

"I said I wouldn't." I said laughing as I turned around and started walking in the same direction as her.

"I don't trust you." She said, dropping my hand and glancing over in my direction.

"Oh wow! Now that hurts." I said, throwing her a look only she could understand.

"Don't start with me. You know it's just  this issue. Don't take it any further than that or we will have issues." She turned up her nose at the look I gave her.

"I know Jazz, but I told you I would not. That means I would not." I said, reaching into my pocket grabbing a cigarette and lit it.

"Yeah! However, you also laughed when I pulled you away. Because you  knew yourself what look came across your face." She reached her hand out and I handed her my cigarette.

I picked up a stick as we were walking. Twirled it between my fingers a few times. "Yeah! I know I did. Okay! So what?" I said laughing. Knowing damn well that in some ways she was learning more than others.

"See! You can't even act mad for real. You know you were tempted." She took a hit off of the cigarette. Threw it to the curb as I held my hand out for it back.

"What?" She asked, when I wouldn't stop looking at her. "Oh! That?" She said pointing to the ground where it rolled once and stopped up against the curb. "You don't need it anyways. You'll be running a lot later."

"Yeah! That." I said, throwing the stick into the air. Jumping almost on top of her to bat it out of the way.

"Sorry! It almost hit you in the head." I watched as it clattered to the ground.

She went to grab me and I jumped out of the way. Ran ahead of her and stopped and turned around to see what she was doing. When I realized she was still coming after me I took off running again.

"I'm gonna get you for that. She said laughing.

"Maybe! But not today." I said, as I tripped and fell over a root sticking out of the ground. I did a Summersault and landed right back on my feet.

At first I couldn't catch my breath. I knocked the wind out of me when I hit the ground.

She was laughing so hard she fell to the ground. Sprawled out like a snow angel and laid there.

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