Chapter sixteen

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter sixteen

I jumped in my bed and hid under the covers. Within a second or two she jumped right on me.

"What did you just say to me? If you were what?" She held my hands above my head.

I was laughing and trying to talk at the same time. "I'm just kidding. I would never cheat on you or anyone else. Especially you though." I said through gasps of air. She was sitting on my chest while I was laughing. I couldn't breath.

"Are you sure? Or you just saying that because I'm sitting on your chest?" She smiled down into my face waiting for my answer.

"Im positive, I don't believe in cheating in the first place. Besides who else would listen to my beat around the bush stories?" I said, turning my head away from the evil glair she threw at me.

"Okay! You better not ever in this life think about pulling anything over my eyes. Especially no damn wool. Now I have to go take a shower. We shall finish this later." She eased her way off of my chest. Looking at me as if I might sneak attack her.

She went to stand up and I did. I grabbed her leg. She fell back on the bed and I gave her a quick kiss. I released her and she gathered her clothes. After she was done she left the room.

I picked up the phone and called Jimmy. I asked him if he could come up with a plan to keep Jazz busy all day tomorrow. I had a plan and it was usually impossible to do with her around all day.

After a few minutes went by and Jasmine had finished up in the bathroom. The phone rang.

"It's you're dime." I said. Holding the phone between my shoulder and my ear. Searching through my desk drawer for a pen.

"Where's Jasmine ?" Jenny asked snooty.

"Well hello to you too. Oh yes! I'm wonderful. Thanks for asking. How about yourself?" I asked. Pushing the chair out from under the desk so I could sit down. She hadn't said another word since she asked where Jasmine was.

"You're funny! Ha! Ha!" She said. With no enthusiasm at all. I could almost feel her eyes rolling as she spoke.

"Okay sweetums! Here she is, love you too." I said as I handed the phone over to Jasmine.

Jasmine was smiling when she took the phone. She covered the phone with her hand.

Jenny I'm guessing?" She said,  as she grabbed the phone. "Still mad at you?" She mouthed.

"You bet you're sweet ass it is." I said.

She leaned over and kissed my cheek.


Was all I heard her say. I left the room and went into the bathroom. When I returned she was sitting on the edge of the bed. She was Leafing through an old notebook I used to write poetry in.

I gave her a look when I saw what it was she was looking through. I grabbed the top of the notebook and closed it with one hand.

"What? I cannot read it?" She asked. Brushing her hair and looking at me sideways.

"Well, I mean I guess you could. But why would you want to? It's old, angry bullshit from when I was stuck in the house and couldn't walk."

I went from trying to set it on the desk to handing it back to her. When she refused to put her hand down.

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