Chapter six

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved ©
Chapter six

Jennifreeze just grunted and glanced in my direction. We all continued to walk down the street until we reached Jimmy's house.

I called my house to let the parental's know where I was. To let her know that I didn't know yet who she would be waking up to. Most nights we all spent the night at my house. Which usually is not a problem.

Jennifreeze was one of Jasmine's close friends. She and I actually got along pretty good most of the time. It was actually because of Jenny that Jasmine and I met each other.

Well, partially anyways. I met her at school. I just happened to go to Jennifreeze's one day without knowing they were friends. Low and behold Jasmine was there.

I used to joke around with Jasmine in school all the time. Play jokes, act like the class clown. Basically anything to make her laugh.

Jennifreeze was a character at times though. She was so easy for me to read, that at times it was aggravating. She had an issue with lying. So I'd point them out. She didn't like that. I did not point them out to others. I just made sure she knew that I knew she was full of shit. "I'd tell her all the time. Don't lie to me bitch. I can feel it." So she would get mad and we would argue. Hence the Jennifreeze.

She would freeze me out. Stop talking to me. Give me the cold shoulder. Until I finally would make her laugh. Or intentionally knock into her with my shoulder until she smiled. She would get mad at first. Scream at me how she was mad at me and I was the biggest asshole she'd ever met. I'd just smile or get an inch from her face and tell her to do something about it. Depending on my mood. She'd eventually start laughing when I did it enough. Or sit down and refuse to fight.

I really wasn't gonna hurt her. I'd known her too long for that. However, on a bad day I would challenge her to it. She really could not stay mad at me if she tried. However, if she would of pushed me I would of stood my ground. She just never did.

She'd turn and face the other direction. "You just love to be an asshole don't you?" She spat.

I'd rest my arm on the back of the couch. "Sure! I've earned it." Placing my arm around  her shoulder once more.

As she pushed my arm back off . "Yeah! I don't know about the earned thing. However, you sure know how to be one." She would say turning her head away from me. As if that somehow indicated her aggravation.

"So here I go."

"Is that little head turn supposed to hurt my feelings? Like ouch! I'm wounded. Jennifreeze won't look at me? How shall I live?" I'd ask placing the back of my hand on my forehead like I was in distress.

She stood up and said, "Oh shut up!" Than she would leave the room.

She would always come back a few minutes later. Yelling with a "Than what the hell am I supposed to do? Be as mean as you are so everyone is afraid of me too?"

I placed my hand on my chin. Thought about it for a second. "Nope! Would not work for you." I stood up walking into the kitchen that was right off the living room.

"I opened the fridge, took out the pop. Grabbed a glass from the strainer next to the sink. "Look Popsicle! The only ones that are afraid of me in this life. Are the ones I don't want in my life." I poured a glass. Pointed to it, she shook
her head no, she didn't want any. "You know how a car has an oil filter?" I lit a cigarette and handed her one.

She grabbed it and I lit it for her before putting my lighter back into my pocket.
"Well, it's the same thing. My meanness filters out all the ones who cannot handle the heat in the kitchen." I blew a smoke ring or two. Watched them descend into the air.

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