Chapter Twenty seven

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter twenty seven

Jasmine and I got back to my house sometime around midnight. We had stopped at her uncles to drop off the key in the key box in their mailbox.

Her uncle Alfonso being the funny man that he was, had built a box inside their mailbox for whatever keys his kids or wife would need for the house, bar or whatever else they needed a key for. It was attached directly to the inside of the mailbox. They all had their own key to open the key box.

Once we returned back to my house, upon reaching the screen door, I saw that there was a note on the inside door.

"Meet me at my house tomorrow when you wake your lazy ass up. Missed you guys."

I smiled and handed the note to Jasmine.

"I guess we have plans tomorrow." I said, opening the door with my key. Trying to be as quiet as possible. Knowing my parents were asleep.

As we walked in, I could feel the warm air caress my face. "The heat is on." I thought. Nothing was more exciting to me than to be warm. I was a freeze baby and could never seem to be warm enough. With there still being a nip in the air, the warmth was welcomed.

The light was on over by the mirror. I took my sweatshirt off and went to switch the light off. Reaching my hand out to grab Jasmine's, we walked into my bedroom.

She stripped off her sweatshirt and hung it on the back of the desk chair.
Revealing her white tank top. She sat down on the edge of the bed.

I lit the candle on the back of the headboard, throwing off the subtle scent of blueberry cream. I had changed into my flannel cotton pants. Than reached behind for her bag sitting on my dresser. Jasmine grabbed it from my hand leaving me with a slight kiss as she made her way to the bathroom.

I jumped into bed and laid there and watched the flicker of the flame from the candle dance on the ceiling. With my fingers intertwined behind my head.

I thought about the day and how it had all transpired. It didn't exactly start out the way I had planned it to. However, for the most part it turned out alright. Things somehow always seemed to work out alright with Jasmine. She was aggravating and frustrating and confusing and sometimes, when she refused to leave me alone when I wanted to be let alone, I wanted to kill her. Not really, physically kill her. However, put it this way. Had it of been someone else. I probably would of beat her up.

Maybe that's the one thing I liked about her. Was the fact that she was never scared or bothered by all the little things that usually scared or bothered someone else. When I'd see everyone else in school jump, move out of the way or snare at something said or done. Jasmine laughed or smiled, you could tell she was trying to figure out the motive behind what I said or did. She never cared about what someone else thought. She never walked away because someone else was mad at me. Or because they didn't think she should talk to me. Nobody else played a roll in our scene. It's like as hard and convincing as I was to most that I wanted to be left alone. She knew it was different with her. I did fight it. I did want to be left alone about certain things. I just didn't want to be completely left alone by her. Just when it came to certain things. I had to be ready for those.

Maybe it's because she had had so many years of just observing from a far. When I would hang out with her brother. Or came to the house with the gang. I think she just has a better sense of who I really am. And not who everyone else puts their preconceived notions to.

I could smell the coconut lingering down the hall. She must of put her cocoa butter on. Which might or might not be a good thing. Depending on whether or not she wanted to use oil with her massage.

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