Chapter fourteen©

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter fourteen

Nope! You wanted to talk. We're gonna lay here in the dark and talk. I do my best work in the dark. It's more comfortable for me."

She snickered and I said, "I'm not joking. It is more comfortable for me. I guess when you've had or been in the situations I've been in. It tends to be. I know, I know, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyways, you will, sooner or later you will."

"Tonight is the night I intend on telling her a few long awaited answers to some of her questions. I think it's only right. She deserves at least that much. For her unwavering devotion."

Did I ever tell you that I used to be afraid of the dark? I used to run like a madman down the hallway. It wasn't anywhere else in the dark. Just in my hallway at home. I don't know what it was about. But I hated it, scared the shit out of me. An eerie, spooky feeling would come upon me every time I went down the hallway. So when I first started to walk again after the car accident and they made me do it myself. It was like torture. Not only was it excruciating but it scared the shit out of me. I just couldn't shake that feeling. Even now sometimes the hairs on my arms will stand at attention,"  I crossed my ankles at my feet and put my hands behind my head.

"So are you gonna answer any questions I have?" She asked rolling over onto her side to look me in the face. With that excited expression I had grown to love.

I tried not to smile as I answered her question. Which might prove hard for me to do. That face expression never failed to provoke a smile. "Yeah, ummm no. I don't think this is on the menu for today. But we can see what is. Let's explore together."

With a soft chuckle she said, "You're such an ass." Rolling back over onto her back.

"I know, but I'm yours." I glanced in her direction and I could barely see the white from her teeth. However, I saw just enough to know that statement was okay to say.

She didn't say anything but I saw her smile float through the air. And once again she kissed my cheek.

"Just keep one thing in mind here. You are gonna be just as involved in this little shin dig as I am. Don't ask what you don't want to answer. Because unless you absolutely cannot have an answer for it. You get your own question. And when we are both done with your question. It's my turn. That's only fair. So I would watch what you ask there. Don't bite off more then you can chew."

"Dang!" She said sliding over away from me. "You are so hot right now. I feel like my ass is on fire."

I leaned my head back and laughed. "Come on silly ass. You know that's not me. It's the heater on the bed."

"Nope! It's you. Your hand is hot as hell." She said reaching over grabbing my hand.

"Yeah! I told you I didn't feel good earlier." I said, fighting the urge to pull my hand away. However, willing it to stay there.

"It wasn't so bad now. As a matter of fact I find the sensation going in the opposite way now a days. Sometimes I find myself fighting the urge not to touch her when we're this close. I usually don't have to for long. She usually touches me in some small gesture."

"All this was a good sign for me and our future. Weather she recognized it or not."

"So now I'm gonna catch it?" She said it as if it were a question. So I answered it.

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