Chapter five

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved ©
Chapter five

At the police station Gage was sitting in an interrogation room. In there was a window on one wall. Assuming to be the two way mirror.

The policeman who was standing in front of him slammed his fist on the table Gage sat at. "You ready to give me your real name now?" The detective asked, calmer than his demeanor led him on to be.

Gage hadn't even bothered to look at the detective's name tag. He was hoping he would not be here long enough to have to. There was no mention of alcohol. So Gage was hoping they hadn't smelled it on him. It had been a few hours since his last beer before the fight occurred. He wasn't drunk at all.

Refusing to look away from the detective's eyes. Gage spat through gritted teeth, that he had given him his real name a million times. Gage watched as his badge threw a reflection of light across the room.

The policeman got aggravated. "Look son, the name that you gave us matches no records for your address. You're fingerprints haven't been located either."

He stood up straight and rubbed his head with his hand. "I'm telling you now it would be wise for you to give me your real name." While he was yelling another officer entered the room.

"Alright detective. Stand down right now."

He turned around and looked his partner right in his eyes. "Are you talking to me like that?" He said, stepping closer looking him directly into his eyes without waver.

"Yes! He did give you the right name. His fingerprints popped up ten minutes ago." You sir, he said, taking a step forward to match his partners aggravation. Had written the wrong address. This young man you're yelling at has no criminal record. Has obviously been in a fight already and you're screaming in his face."

That's the third time tonight Gage has been judged wrongfully.

The detective without a word turned around. Reached his hand out and shook Gage's hand. I'm sorry son." Was all he said.

He turned around on his heels. "You handle it." He said as he walked out of the door. Talking to his partner.

Officer O'brien took a seat at the table across from Gage. "I called your parents to come get you." He handed Gage a rag to wipe his nose with. It had stopped bleeding. However, there was dried blood all over his face and shirt.

Gage grabbed the rag and did the best he could at cleaning himself up. When Gage went to hand the rag back the to the officer. O'brian pointed to the desk. Telling him to just leave it there.

The officer looked through the papers in front of him. "You wanna tell me about this fight you've obviously been in?" He flicked the corner of the next page as it turned over onto the pile he had previously looked at.

Gage fidgeted with the pen that was in front of him. "Not really, no!" He popped the lid off as it made a "pop" noise. Making officer O'brian lift his head to look.

O'brian reached his hand out as Gage placed the pen in his hand. "Well, I think you should. You don't have to press charges if you don't like." He placed the top back on the pen. Set it aside on the desk.

Gage leaned back in his chair. Brushed his hand through his hair. "Ummm, it's really nothing. I was at a buddies house. We were wrestling around. I must of got hit in the nose. I was just walking home when I got picked up." He placed his chair legs back on the floor when O'brien pointed to the floor.

Officer O'brien stood up, gathered his papers. "Come on. Follow me. You're parents are waiting in the waiting room." He opened the door and let Gage walk out first. "You're sure you don't want to give me this said friends name? You know in case something arises later." He closed the door behind himself as he took the last step out of the door.

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