Chapter four

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved ©
Chapter four

Meanwhile at the party Jimmy and Gage were having a heated discussion.   Tables were being thrown around and moved out of the way. Chairs had been tipped over. A few other guys were restraining each other from getting involved.

A beer can just missed the corner of Brian's eye. "What the hell is going on here?" He asked the guy standing next to him.

Greg who's actually Jimmy's sisters boyfriend stood against the wall with a beer in his hand. He wore blue jeans and a white tank top. His pleather jacket hung loosely around his shoulders. He had blue leather cowboy boots on that looked like they had seen better days. With a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

Jimmy hated this asshole. He told his sister all the time about what a loser, lowlife he thought he was.

Gage was about to see why.

"Who knows dude." He said taking the last sip of his beer as he threw the can at the two in the middle of the floor fighting. "I guess the dude hit Jimmy's mom or some shit." He said.

Brian had finally seen enough when Gage reached over and grabbed the lamp on the table to hit Jimmy with.

Brian jumped forward and grabbed the lamp. Breaking it in the process. Leaving only the bottom in Gage's hand. When Gage realized it wasn't enough to do anything with he threw it to the side.

Right as Jimmy's fist connected with Gage's nose. Blood flew across the wall. His nose was definitely broken.

Brian once again reached for Gage's arm. Ripped him to his feet and literally carried him out the door.

Jimmy stood up and straightened his shirt. "Where did the son of a bitch go?" Jimmy wanted to know.

Brian carried him outside, someone from inside the kitchen door yelled.

Jimmy almost reached the door when Greg stepped in front of him. "You should probably stay in here." He said.

Jimmy flung the door open. "You asshole, you should probably stay out of my business." Greg went to grab his shirt. Jimmy pushed him against the wall. "I'm not joking. That wasn't a suggestion with an option." Jimmy said.

Greg held his hands up into the air as if he was surrendering. He stepped aside and Jimmy walked out the door. 

He must not of been able to find him. He walked back through the door. Walked over to the table and grabbed his half broken pack of smokes off of it and lit one. Walked over to his mother who was in tears.

They both disappeared into the kitchen until Hannah his sister took over.

A few minutes later Brian returned. He must of sent Gage home. He was nowhere to be seen.

Brian beckoned for Jimmy to come over to where he stood.

Jimmy grabbed a beer out of the cooler and walked over and leaned up against the wall.

They watched as Tara cleaned the blood off of the wall. "You alright?" Gage asked? "What the fuck was all that about?"

Jimmy blew his smoke out slowly through his nose. "He hit my mom dude." He blew a smoke ring as he watched it float through the air.

Brian walked over, grabbed a beer and came back. Placed his foot on the wall and said, "Are you sure that's what happened?" He took a sip from his can. "I mean you guys have known each other for years dude. Why would he go and do some shit like that?"

Jimmy crushed his empty can in his fist. "Are you questioning what I saw?" He threw the can into the garbage bag by the kitchen door.

Looking down at his boots he said, "Not at all. But what would be the reasoning behind the situation? Something just seems fishy dude." He too crushed his beer can and threw it into the garbage.

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