Chapter nine ©

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter nine

"I couldn't make you feel that way if I tried. I've seen people try to ruin your self worth. Hasn't happened yet." She once again hugged my neck.

I smiled. "It never will. Only people lower than me would try that anyways. Why else would they need me to feel that way?" I reached my hand up and scratched my cheek. Where her hair had been.

She pushed her own hair aside. "Sorry! Anyways, okay, I promise I won't put limits on you." She said,

"Good! I'm glad to hear you say that. However, I still don't believe you. That's what everyone says. Yet they still manage to try to do so. It's alright, just understand that sometimes I just don't want to talk about certain things. It's not you as a person I'm hiding this stuff from. It's just I don't want to deal with them at that second. When I feel like facing them. Than that's when you will too." I reached up and pulled her hair from out of my mouth.

"Thanks for that there strand. However, I promise I'll eat later."

"You say that shit all the time too."

"I cannot help it that my appetite is next to nil. I think it's your fault. You keep making me eat your hair."

"No! It's your cancer sticks that make you not want to eat."

"Ohhhhhh! Now their mine. As if you don't take them out of my lips for yourself. Mid puff you confiscated it. I don't even have the chance to get that cool burn that would satisfy my craving. That's why I smoke so damn much. Or so it seems. You're all smoking them for me. If it's not you it's Jimmy. I finally got wise, unless I don't want a whole one. I light you one, then myself one. But then lo and behold here comes Jimmy. "Hey dude can I hit that?" You've planned this little scheme together haven't you? Sure! Behind my back whispering and shit. I see you both get that glazed look when I open a new pack."

By this time I had lifted her off the fence and set her on her feet. She was standing on the ground laughing.

"Your right, you caught me." She said, throwing her hand in the air. Holding her stomach while laughing. "We thought it up along time ago. Didn't you know? Thats why we hang around you? So we can steal your puffs."

"You probably did you little puffer." I said, trying not to laugh watching her laugh.

Jimmy was standing at the door laughing. Every once in awhile I could hear someone laugh. But it was so his laugh that it wasn't mistakable for anyone else's.

I looked over my shoulder at the door. But it was so dark that all I could see was the black silhouette of his figure.

He opened the screen door. It slammed behind him as he walked towards us. "I was just coming to see if you guys were alright when I heard you." He was still laughing when he reached my side. "So these are those secretive huddled up convos we can't hear? I'm not sorry I miss them. And to think all this time some of us might have been nervous. Although when I need to laugh I guess it would be cool. I don't feel so left out now. Don't forget you've been known a time or twelve to take one from my hand to." He said, slapping my arm with the back of his hand.

I reached up and rubbed my arm. "I've earned that right ass. It's to keep you from hot boxing it so hard the whole thing turns into a red cherry." Slap me again punk.

Now he was holding his stomach laughing. "Speaking of hot boxing it. That's your speciality."

I put my shirt sleeve back down. After looking to see If he left a mark. "That's because I was trying to keep you from stealing them out of my lips. At least I don't slobber all over them." I reached over and punched him in his arm. Not hard just about the same force he used.

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