Chapter twenty four

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter twenty four

Jimmy waited for the doorbell to ring. He was waiting for Tara to come over. He wanted to speak to her about the other night. As she wanted to speak to him about something. He didn't know what yet. All she said was she had somethings to speak to him about. It was actually kind of ironic how she read his thoughts like that. She called to ask him to hang out before he could call her himself.

It took a little while for her to get there. So while Jimmy waited, he went and made them funnel cakes. For some reason he had a taste for funnel cakes.

While he was picking the last one up out of the oil, the doorbell rang. He set his spatula aside and went to open the door.

She looked nice. She had on black overalls. With a red long sleeve shirt. Red and black tennis shoes. With one of the straps unbuttoned. Her black hair was down and flowed silkily across her face. Her brown eyes twinkled with the light. Throwing a sparkle directly at his own.

Jimmy could smell her shampoo before he even got to her. Once he shut the door behind her. He turned around and gave her a hug. She reached her hand up and wiped the powered sugar off his nose. "I hope this is sugar." She said, giving it a taste while sniffing the air.

Jimmy laughed as he grabbed her hand leading her into the kitchen. "Yep! I made your favorite. I just happened to have a taste for them."

Tara sat down at the table. Grabbed the napkin he handed to her. Put a piece in her mouth and chewed slowly. "Mm mm!" She sighed. "Haven't had one of these since the fair we went to last year."

Jimmy, Tara, Dakota, Jasmine, Jenny, Brian, John, Gage and Duke all went to the amusement park a few hours away. They packed their food and drinks in a cooler. Brought all the necessary extra clothes, towels and whatever else they may need. They used one of Dukes brothers buddies vans. So they didn't have to drive separate.

Halfway through the park they lost half of the group. So Dakota, Jasmine and Jimmy spent most of their time looking for the rest. By the time they found each other. Jazz guessed that they spent most of their time at the games. Tara had a handful of funnel cake while the boys carried the prizes.

Once they found each other they still had a few hours before the park closed. So they rode a few rides. Ate some food, drank some drinks. They had fun most of the time. 

Duke stood at a game and watched as Tara struggled to get the last balloon popped. She kept adding money and trading up prizes. Her goal was the big one on the wall. The guy would put her money in his back pocket, before handing her more darts. Tara was sad that she had spent all of it and didn't get the prize. The guy handed her the money and the bear, before she walked away. When she questioned his behavior. He told her Duke won it for her along time ago. He just wanted her to feel like she did it herself. We made an arrangement earlier. He warned me you'd be here sooner or later.

Seems she had been talking about that bear all day. She walked away crying. She hugged the guy and gave Duke a hug. "You know that's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." She said. He put his arm around her shoulder and walked back to the group. "Well, to be honest with you." He said, looking over at her from the corner of his eye. "It was Dakotas idea." She told me to do it."

Dakota threw a French fry at him. "You're not suppose to tell her that ass."

He just laughed. Tara said thank you to both of them. Once the night wound down and it was time to go. They passed out all the little prizes they won to kids passing by. All except Tara's bear. They didn't have room in the truck. Plus they had all the other gadgets to bring home. They kept what they bought. Gave away what they won. Man! Did those places get expensive after awhile.

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