Chapter twenty two

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter twenty two

After dessert I told Jasmine I would be back. I had something else to do. I ran into the next room. Got everything I needed ready and tried to make it fast.

I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. She seemed to be okay. She seemed to be fine. She wasn't mad at me anymore. I know this because she has a tendency to avert her eyes from me when she is. Unless she is really mad. Than she'll throw daggers like I was a dart board. Sometimes it was tough to determine her emotions or her anger. However, I was learning and enjoying every minute of It. I have been learning for two years now. However, since we've gotten closer and more comfortable with each other she has changed her behavior quite a bit. From her facial expressions and her comments I guess I must have to.

I changed the music and placed a blindfold over her eyes. She didn't seem to be to uncomfortable with this. I kind of looked at her questioning the ease. Me, personally would have been apprehensive. Maybe not with her. Who knows. Once I made sure she really couldn't see. I placed my hand on her back and one on her arm and lead her into the next room.

Made sure everything was alright and in place. Than took the blindfold off. There was two tables with two shelves staked diagonal from each other. With vanilla scented teacup candles lit. On either side of the tub. The water was filled and heated. With rose pedals floating on top. The soft music floated through the air. There was a Champaign bottle floating in an ice bucket. There was white chocolate and milk chocolate strawberries and grapes sitting on the side table. With red towels making her way to the bathtub. Sprinkled with white rose pedals. She was so surprised when I took the blindfold off, her eyes teared up. I left her side for a second and came back within minutes.

"Here!" I said, handing her a suit. "It's your choice. I just wanted you to relax tonight. That's all." I said.

There was a table on the back wall. "What's the table for?" She asked.

"Your massage later." I said. Grabbing two towels and placing them on the bottom shelf that the chocolates were on.

"Oh!" She said, "Can we do the massage at home?"

"Absolutely!" I said. "I just came here because you never know who comes in and out of my house all day and night. Between my friends, cousins and my sister and her husband. I never know who's gonna show up.

"Are you coming in?" She asked. Making her way to the bathroom. Shirt already over her head. Bare back was all I could see.

"Yep! I'll be in before you get back." I said, Throwing my pants across the room.

"Yeah! Because you got your shorts on under your pants." She yelled from the bathroom. "You always do."

"You never know when a game might pop up." I yelled, "Besides..... My sentence failed to find its voice when I saw her standing next to the tub about to climb the makeshift steps I made with extra scraps of wood.

"You look beautiful." I said. As she placed one leg inside holding onto my hand for support so she didn't fall.

"Thank you!" She said. Settling into the nice warm water. "What if I want to take my suit off?" She asked smiling.

"So! You didn't have to put it on in the first place. This is my plan. However, it was just to give you a nice relaxing, sexy evening. You brought the sexy. I just brought the relaxation. However, Whatever your comfortable with is what's gonna happen." I stepped in after her. Sat down and poured two glasses of champagne. "You can take it off. Leave it on. It's your move from here baby."

I handed her a glass and grabbed my own. I did grab a grape and fed it to her. Kissed her slightly on the lips. "I don't drink. But I do like champagne."

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