Chapter twenty one

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter twenty

Sometime around nine fifteen the doorbell rang. I went over to answer it. I knew it was Jasmine. I could smell her perfume.

I Unlatched the door and moved the chair aside. That would be used later for the bouncer to check I.D.'s.

Jasmine looked amazing. Her hair fell just perfectly around her face. Her dark seductive eyes glimmered with just the right amount of sexiness with a hint of a smile.

Her attire was plain, however, perfect in my eyes. Not too dressed up, and not too dressed down. Just a short sleeve shirt button up. Over a white tank top. I have a feeling within minutes it will be off and hopefully with the help from myself. Her jeans were your average black jeans. With white tennis shoes.

I stepped aside so she could walk in. Kissed her slowly on the lips. As I walked out the door.

I walked over to speak to Mike. Where the car was sitting idle at the curb.

"Hey buddy! What's up? What's going on?" I asked, leaning on the window.

Mike flicked his cigarette out the window past my arm. "Nothing! Just heading home for some well deserved rest." He stated, smashing his cigarette out into the ashtray. Popping his cassette out so he can flip it over.

Mike was a cool guy once you got to know him. He was quiet and a shy guy. He worked hard at school. He had a part time job. He did as most the local kids did around town on their down  time. A whole lot of nothing. Except hang out with their buddies. He wasn't a nerd. However, he did well in school. Fought with his sister but had fun with it. Equally so did she, I think. He smoked weed every so often, now and again. However, he got into no big trouble. He was a real down to earth, shy, cool guy to know and hang out with.

"Cool! I said. I hear you on the rest thing. I haven't felt up to par myself lately." I reached into my pocket for a smoke. "Hey! Thanks for bringing her over here tonight. I really appreciate it. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you." I said, dropping my lighter on the ground.

The lighter must of rolled under the car. Because I couldn't find it.

"Under the car Mike asked?" Pushing his lighter in on the dashboard. Within a few seconds it popped out with a vengeance. It flung into his lap. I jumped out of the way so he could open the door.

I laughed watching him almost fall out of the car head first. "What the fuck?" He asked, brushing off his clothes. I stuck my head into the window looking for the lighter. "Don't bother looking for the lighter." He said, "Its stuck to my jacket." He said, pointing to it while it hung from his sleeve.

He wore a windbreaker, somehow it adhered itself to it. Instead of burning a hole into it, it melted it and stuck to it.

"I'm going to kill my sister." He said, Peeling it off of his jacket. She switched me and my moms lighter again.

I heard a chuckle behind me. It was Jasmine leaning up against the door frame watching us.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah! I'm cool. Just remind me to never offer you a light again." He said, laughing.

Jasmine and I both laughed.

After a few minutes Mike got back into his car. I glanced over at Jasmine just as she was about to walk inside.

"No!" I yelled, startling her a little. I could see her jump as she turned around. I forgot that I should of never gave her free rain to roam. I hope she didn't see her surprise.

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