Chapter ten©

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter ten

Duke was a good friend of mine and the rest of the groups. However, he was much like myself in the fact that he was not easy to read or get to know. He tended to stay on the mystery side of the tracks more than your average person. This often leads people to believe the wrong things about one's character.

Most thought him to be arrogant or self centered and stuck up. Which once you knew him you would know that was not the case at all.

"I'm sure you're excited." Gage said.

"Yeah! I am, but a month is still along time. He told me to tell you he said hi Brian." I said, throwing my pack of smokes and lighter up on the desk.
I kicked my shoes off and sat on the bed.

"Oh! He's not still mad at me?" He asked, taking his jacket off and placing it on the back of the chair before taking his seat.

"Nah! You know Duke. He gets over shit in time."

Brian and Duke had had an argument about something before he left. Duke went to visit his dad in Cali for a few months. Why he went during school nobody knows. However, I'm sure there will be some kind of crazy reason.

I do have to admit that Duke was a hard kid to get to know. He really wasn't a bad guy to know. He was just hard to get to know. He had his reasons as we all do.

We both had this apparently aggravating habit to most. That we didn't like for people to know what we felt.

Most of the time I would eventually break down and tell someone. Or usually write it in a letter anyways.

However, Duke was a little tougher to break. He would, if you made him mad enough. However, he was also a slick little bugger. If he knew you were trying to piss him off. He would wait until you weren't around to either explode. Or he would just not allow you to work him up. Leaving you even madder than you started off as. Because not only now you still don't know what is wrong with him. But now he's pissed and gonna make you pay for it. He's just not gonna tell you what it is you want to hear.

I remember one day we were standing around talking. When Duke looked at me and stated, "So I figured You, Jasmine, Jenny and I. Oh and John would go to the park tomorrow."

"Oh yeah!" I asked. "You like telling me what I'm gonna do?" I picked up one of his drum sticks and twirled it through my fingers.

"No! You can stay home and wish when we return. That you had gone to the park and watched me jump that car with my skateboard." He said, grabbing the stick out of my hand. Placing it back on his snare drum.

"You are not going to jump that car on your skateboard." I said, reaching over grabbing his guitar that was leaning against the dresser. "You will kill yourself. Then you won't be able to come running back to me. Because I will not feel sorry for you. However, now knowing what you plan on doing. I think I will go with you tomorrow.

"I knew if I went that you would go." He said, reaching over taking his guitar out of my hand and placing it back up against the dresser. "So I felt no need to ask you. However, if you think I'm not going to jump that car. Think again, think again. And I may not have you to come running to. But I know you'll carry me home if need be."

He flashed me one of his "tell me I'm wrong smiles."

"What do you think about me jumping that car?" I asked. Playing with one of his picks.

"Nothing. I don't think you will jump that car." He said, reaching his hand out for me to hand him the pick.

"Why? You think I'm a wimp?" I asked, handing him the pick.

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