Chapter thirteen©

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter thirteen

He pulled up in front of my house and I thanked him for the ride. He pulled away and I walked into the house. I walked over to the big mirror and turned off the night light. Walked back to the bathroom. When I was done I grabbed a pop off of the porch and went and laid on my bed.

About fifteen minutes later my light came on.

"Ummmm did you forget I was staying here tonight?" Jasmine asked, placing her jacket on the back of the desk chair.

"Nope! Jazz I sure didn't." I said, laying with my fingers intertwined behind my head. 

Taking my lit cigarette that was laying in the ashtray to light the candle that was on the back of the headboard. Motioning for her to shut the light off. Which she did without question.

"So let me get this straight. You just thought it would be cool to leave me there?" She took off her sweatshirt revealing her tee shirt. It was black with a single red rose in the middle. She smelled of brisk air and shampoo.

"Well, they are your friends too. I figured you would want to talk to Jenni. So I figured I would see you later." I leaned up on one elbow and grabbed a smoke off of my desk."

"I knew she was right. I knew I shouldn't of left her there. However, I was so mad I figured it best just to leave."

"Well, I suppose that would be okay if we were going back to my house. However, we didn't. We came here." She said, grabbing a cigarette off of my desk.

"Why are you smoking that?" I asked. "You don't smoke like that." I said, reaching up taking it out of her hand.

"Because I'm mad." She said.

And anyways, you act like you don't know where the spare key is." I threw my lighter up on the desk. It slid across the surface and stopped when it bumped into my pack of smokes.

"That's not the point and you know it. You left because you were pissed off and you know it." She said trying to grab her cigarette back.

"And so do you." I said, crushing it out in the ashtray before she could grab it. "So why should I have to confirm what you already know?" I asked.

She made a funny face at me when I distinguished the cigarette.

"What? You take mine and put them out all the time." I said.

"Because you smoke too much." She said, taking her ring off and placing it on the desk.

"You know if that was mine you wouldn't be doing that right?"

She just smiled but didn't say anything.

"Yeah! Well you shouldn't at all." I said. Fanning the remainder of the smoke out of my face.

"Is that right?" She asked reaching for my pack of smokes.

"Stop it!" I said, snatching them off the desk.

"Humph!" Was all I heard. She knew I wasn't budging and she wasn't getting one.

I watched as she kicked her shoes off and sat on the edge of the bed. It was almost as if the scene played out in slow motion. Even mad she was beautiful. I could watch her all day and never tier of the view.

"I just don't understand. Why do you have to be so damn difficult all the time?" Jazz asked as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "Right this very moment. I'm the one who should be pissed." She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

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