Chapter seventeen

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Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved©
Chapter seventeen

"Now, I have a question for you." Jasmine said, rolling over onto her side. Placing her hand behind her head and wrapping her leg around my leg..

"Oh yeah! What's that?" I asked as I couldn't help but to place my hand on her thigh.

"Do you think I could possibly have a real kiss?" She asked. Staring into my eyes.

I laughed for a second. "A real kiss?" I asked. "I've always given you real kisses."

"No! You've brushed my lips. You've chased one or two small pecks. But could I have a real kiss?"

I couldn't stop laughing at her question.

"Is this really a question?" I thought. You really ask someone this? I mean I'm not upset by this. It's actually amusing. Why didn't she kiss me? I guess she appointed me the initiator of the relationship. Now it's okay. But she must realize if that was her tactics. That's why it took so long. I don't initiate." 

"I was waiting for you honey." I said. Leaning in and giving her the best kiss she'll never forget.

Once the kiss was out of the way. I wrapped my arms around her back as I pulled her up on top of me.

I rubbed her back and her sides until she finally laid her head on my chest.

"This is comfortable." she said, nestling her head into my chest.

"Oh! It is? I was about to say it felt weird." I giggled.

"What?" She asked, looking up into my eyes.

"No, not you. Just because I'm used to being on top. You know when I give you massages or when we're playing around. It just felt weird to rub you're back backwards. I'm over it. You're right, now it is comfortable." I ran my thumb up her back and she shivered.

"I like that." I said.

Slowly along the way my inhibitions were fading. Which to most would be a wonderful experience. Because as much as it was. And as good as it felt for once to finally be able to just feel like me. Without all the guards and all the shielding of feelings and anger and fears of ignorance. There still was that tiny piece of conscious pulling at my brain. Conscious not about what I was doing. Conscious about being realistic as if this was really the truth behind the matter? Or was it gonna blow up in my face for being to comfortable for once in my life? For once in my life I felt comfortable in my own skin. Comfortable in my own ability to be me and still make her okay. She'll be good, okay, and perfectly happy with me just being me. I didn't have to stop this or that. The only thing she wanted was me. I had to stop something for everyone else. Stop talking to this person. Stop feeling this, stop saying that. Stop being me to make them happy. All I had to do for her was be me and stop hiding myself. Is that really a possible scenario? I guess I have no choice but to wait and see. I never wanted to be the one in this position. However, now I don't want out of it. Yet, still kinda afraid to be in it. So when I find myself questioning it I have to stop and remember who I'm dealing with. She's not a scumbag like some I've dealt with. Let's hope she doesn't prove me wrong.

She reached up and gave me one quick kiss and laid her head back down when I rubbed her back with one hand and her side with the other.

Before I could say anything I could hear her breathing get even and she was asleep. I reached my hand behind  my head after wetting my fingers and snuffed out the candle that rested on top of the headboard.

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