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A young boy, was in the city with his father. They went to see a marching band. Everything was full of color. The trees lining the road, the flowers in the florist's windows. It was all beautiful.

"Come on Gerard, let's go Mikey." His dad said.

"But, I'm having fun." Gerard whined.

"If you keep whining like that something bad will happen." His father said too him. His brother and him linked arms, while their dad grabbed his hand.

"Here we go, one twin buckled up, two twins buckled up."

While their father drove back to the house, a driver was coming from the right, everyone was fine, except for the little boy that wasn't belted in fully.

He woke up in the hospital to darkness. He heard his parents talking, "Mommy, turn on the lights!" He laughed.

"Gerard, sweetie, the lights aren't coming on ever again." His mother informed him.

"What do you mean mommy?" The little boy questioned not understanding.

"You aren't going to be able to see anymore."

I sat up in bed. Why didn't my dad check my seatbelt? Why was the driver drunk in the middle of the day? Why would they think of going on the road? Why was I hurt?

Maybe this was why Frank slit himself, because my room is a curse for memories disguised as nightmares.

"We have to go to school Gerard." Mikey walked in. I didn't want to face school.

"I'm gonna stay home, I'm feeling a bit dizzy, and don't want to trip on something." He left me alone after that.

After I heard the door lock, I got dressed and grabbed my stick, I didn't have someone to hold onto so I had to use this dumb thing. I ordered Siri to call a cab company, and informed them I was blind.

The cab driver finally arrived at the house, and soon dropped me off at the hospital.

"Can I see Frank Iero?" I asked the receptionist.

"Right this way." She took my arm gently and pulled me along. 20 steps, left, 30 steps, right, 5 steps, door on left. I needed to memorize this so I could easily walk out.

"Gerard?! Shouldn't you be in school?" Frank stated the obvious.

"You should be too Frankie. Why did you do it?" I asked on the brink of tears.

"Come here Gee," I walked over to him and he engulfed my small frame in a hug, "I did it because I was tired of my family, I had a dream, about the first day my dad beat me. My mom was pregnant with a baby girl, and she was taking me to the park. I got excited and started running, then she fell and fainted because of the pain, I found out that when she fell, the baby died. My dad blamed me, and my mom couldn't handle it. I stopped talking after that." He said, choking back a sob.

"I had a dream today, about how I became blind. My dad took me and Mikey into the city. When we were leaving, my dad didn't buckle me in properly, we were hit by a drunk driver and my optic nerve split. The doctors couldn't perform the surgery at the time, and now my mom doesn't have the money for the surgery. So here I am, blind." I said into his shoulder.

"I can walk around, let's go to the gift shop, and then the food court afterwards okay?" He suggested. I agreed and helped him out of the hospital bed.

"Wait Frank. We have to give you your meds." A female said. "You must be Gerard, I'm Dr. Martinez, but you can call me Melanie, I'm the doctor here for Frank."

She had him take his meds and then said we could do what we wanted, but to not disturb other patients.

"Have you parents visited you yet?" I asked him.

"They've tried, I won't let them see me though. They are the reason I'm in here. The doctors saw the bruises, I told them it was my father so he's going to jail. I don't know about my mom though." He explained. "We are at the gift shop, stay here, I'll be right back."

Late night update. If you are reading this, check out my joshler, it's one big bandom fan fic, but mainly joshler.

What do you think Frank is going to buy Gerard?

So long

I Hope You See Me Soon.(Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now