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Okay i know that i didn't update last weekend and i'm sorry. i just had work and i completely forgot, and then i didn't get home until yesterday and... yeah, i'm sorry but it's finally here. Enjoy ;)


Cold showers didn't work. I don't know if they worked on guys or other women, but they certainly didn't work for me.

I had laid in the bed for a couple of minute after Landon had humiliatingly left me, just to actually comprehend what had happened within those thirty minutes or so, though I had a hunch that no matter how long time I spent lying there, I still wouldn't be able to figure out what in the world had compelled me to go through with Skylar's ridiculous plan.

I mean it's not like any sane person would have expected it to end well, but I for one had never expected it to end like, well, that. I couldn't even talk about that, or think about that. It was too humiliating, I just felt like crawling into a whole, preferably one that led to another dimension.

But since I couldn't find a whole to another dimension I had to settle on a window that led to the outside. Since I didn't really feel like facing more people than necessarily, because if Landon hadn't told everyone about how I had thrown myself on him by now, then my tousled hair and the fact that I walked barefoot with my shoes in my hand totally give me away, so I started wondering down the halls in hopes of finding a way out that wasn't the front door.

Within 10 minutes I was pretty sure I was lost in the huge mansion, but luckily, after descending yet another flight of stairs, I found an open window on the ground floor. It wasn't the biggest but it seemed like I could fit through it, though on further thought I should have just left it and kept on searching. As I crawled out of the window the thing material of my dress got stuck on some kind of invisible splinter, which made the slit rip and therefore rise even further. The slit now began at my stomach and was exposing my lace panties.

After sending a quick text to Skylar, I then began the long walk home with my dress bunched around my hips trying my hide my goods, barefoot with my shoes in my hand and filled with shame and embarrassment. After nearly an hour of walking, and countless of sleazy dudes in old cars honking their horns at me and yelling even more sleazy things out of their windows, I finally made it to the front door.

Because of my hot body - both from the walk home and from other things - I, as said before, decided to take a shower, a cold shower none the less. Not that it helped it just left me shivering with blue lips on the outside without doing much cooling on the inside.

All those things led to that I was now sitting on my couch clad in underwear and wrapped in two thick blankets, while watching Gossip Girl reruns, all while I was slightly tipsy from the alcohol I had previously consumed, although that seemed like a lifetime ago.

I groaned when my phone rang from its place on the table, both because that meant that I had to actually converse with another human being, and because it meant that I had to get my arm out from under the warm cocoon that I had created. Maybe if I stayed inside long enough I could turn into a butterfly and fly away from this city.

"Bitch, what happened?" Skylar yelled in my ear when I picked up the phone. I could hear the music in the background, or more specifically I could hear the bass, and I figured that she was still at the party though maybe outside. I probably hadn't seen my text before now.

"I told you it was a bad idea," I sighed while I relaxed back into the blankets like a real couch potato, while trying to conceal as much of my hand as possible while still being able to hold it.

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