Chapter 7

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I open the front door, stepping inside the house. I take off my purse from around my body and hang it on the coat rack next to me. As I make my way to the dining room, I hear clacking noises. They seem to be coming from there. I find my sister sitting on one of the dining chairs, typing away on her laptop.

"Hey, Nev," I greet.

She turns to look at me. "Oh, hey, Ali-Al. Didn't hear you come in. How goes it?"

"Okay, I guess." I sit beside her. The laptop screen is lit up, and I try hard to make out what website she's on. But I can't tell. "What are you looking for?"

"I'm not looking for anything. I'm booking the tickets for our trip to Australia," she replies.

My brows furrow. "I thought you already booked the flight."

"No. I reserved for our rooms in the hotel, not the flight. Holly was supposed to be in charge of doing that. However, she didn't get around to doing it until the last minute, when the tickets are selling like hot cakes." Nevaeh sighs exasperatedly.

"Were you able to buy any tickets?"

"Yeah, I was. But now, since Holly waited too long, she won't be able to come with us. It's just Raina, Jeanette, and me going. They had only three available tickets left that were on sale. Then Holly sent me a text earlier, saying I was a no-good word that rhymes with witch for not being able to buy her a fourth ticket."

I made a face. "She herself sounds like one."

"Tell me about it. Agh, anyway. How'd your outing with James go?"

"Fine...until Nathan showed up."

There's a pause. "Nathan? The cute cop?"


"Huh. It's been a little while since y'all have seen each other, hasn't it?"

"Yeah," I repeat, chuckling bitterly.

"What'd he say?"

"The same thing he said when I found out he was cheating on me with Marley. That he swears up and down he wasn't with her that night. She came on to him."

"Have you even let Nathan explain his side of the story completely?"

I shake my head violently. "I don't need to hear his side of the story because I know how it all went. I have it all figured in my head, it doesn't take much guessing." I sigh. "I don't really wanna talk about it."

"Okay, okay." Nevaeh stands up. "Well, I was about to grab myself some dessert from the fridge. You want one?"

"I'm not really in the mood."

"It might cheer you up. You know Mom's desserts help with the blues."

I half-smile, giving in. "Sure."

"All right."

She disappears into the kitchen. I stand on my feet to follow her when I feel a tremendous head rush. I close my eyes tightly and open them again. Then, a blinding white light flashes in front of my eyes.

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