Chapter 20

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Earlier today, Nathan shot me an email. It contained a newsletter of Marlsgate University, and in the message below, he wrote to scroll down to page six. There was a whole sheet that gave information about local happenings taking place at the college. The last event was listed at the bottom and it was the teacher's meeting, being held in Arlington Hall. It was located on the north side of the campus. They were also going to start at six thirty.

Immediately, I wrote him a text, saying: Pick me up at 4:30.

Four hours later, I'm dashing down the stairs and running into the kitchen to grab myself a bite to eat before Nathan picks me up. If I don't, I'm going to ask him to stop at the nearest fast food place so I can satisfy my hunger. As I grab a Luna bar, I look at the clock on our microwave. Four thirty. No text or call from Nathan yet. Hopefully he'll be here soon. I'd like to get to Marlsgate early enough so we don't miss Professor Kelly.

I throw the wrapper in the trash and get ready to head for the front door when suddenly I hear a voice.

"Going somewhere?" It asks.

I gasp, nearly jumping out of my skin. From the arch that leads to our living room, Mom pokes her head into the kitchen. I breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of her. For a second, I thought someone broke into the house.

Oh, wait a minute. Mom? She's here already?

"Hey, you're home early," I say, stating the obvious.

"Weren't expecting me to be home at this time, huh?" she replies, sort of smiling as her arms cross.

"It's just you normally get out of work at five thirty. Is Dad here, too?"

"No, he's still at the school but he'll be leaving soon. I came home because I have a bit of a migraine."

"Oh, okay. I hope it gets better."

"Thank you, sweetie. So where are you off to this time?"

I give her a bewildered look. "What do you mean 'this time?'"

Mom takes a seat on one of the chairs by our breakfast nook. "Well, you've been going on these little escapades a lot lately without even bothering to tell us where you're going. That, and we don't see you until later in the evening."

"So?" Crap, I'm so not prepared for this.

"So, I want answers. I hate you doing all this sneaking around." I remain quiet. "Listen, I'm not asking for specifics but it'd be nice to know where our baby goes."

During the momentary silence, my brain quickly scrambles for answers. I wasn't ready for my parents' cross-examination. I always thought since they were at work during most of the day, they wouldn't really care at what time I came home. I stand corrected.

My conscience is screaming at me not to tell her what exactly it is I'm doing. Because if I do, there are two things that could happen: one, she won't believe me and she'll want a real answer or two, she'll tell me I need to mind my business, stay out of Erika's case, and let the police handle it. It can go either way and I don't want that. It feels like forever before my mouth finally opens and words come out.

"Nowhere in particular, really."

"You sure?"


"Are you seeing someone, Alexis?"

"Huh?" That catches me off guard.

"Are you seeing someone?"

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