Chapter 27

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I awake the next morning and lay in bed for a long time, staring up at the ceiling. Early morning light streaks the walls. It stretches along the one side of my room, where my bed so happens to be, and I watch the light gradually move as if it's alive. With each minute passing by, the light brightens but the shadows also blacken. My eyes eventually fall to my alarm clock and I'm now aware that it's almost time to get up. I don't want to, though. After what happened at the dinner party last night, I know my parents are going to grill me like a cheeseburger. I don't want to be faced with questions I know will pertain to Nathan's being there. I'm not going to know how to answer them. In all honesty, I don't want to. I can't tell them the truth. Or at least everything.

I'll have to come up with something. I did bring it upon myself, after all. Maybe if I explain a thing or two about why Nathan was there, they'll lay off and leave it alone. I check the clock a second time and sigh through my nose. It's best to get this over with rather than lay here and pretend to still be asleep. I leave my bedroom as quietly as possible and tiptoe out into the hallway. When I near the dining room, I pause by the arch. Even though there's still some food left on both the serving plates and what I guess is my plate, the remnants of my parents' breakfast are strewn across the dining table.

Dad's reading one of his books and Mom's scribbling down things in her daily planner. I peek from the archway, growing anxious and starting to have second thoughts.

Maybe I can go back into my room. I mean, eight thirty is still kinda early. That'd give me another hour to kill if I leave now, I think.

Leaning more toward that decision, I slowly start to back away when Mom suddenly spots me.

"Good morning, honey."


"Morning." I edge into the dining room.

"How did you sleep?" Dad asks.

"Uh, fine. Feel a little tired, though."

"Well, come sit and have some coffee. It's still warm."

I pull the chair out from under the table and plant myself on it, looking down at the plate that contains my breakfast, which is merely two waffles and a cheese omelet. Before digging in, I reach for one of the coffee mugs to pour myself hazelnut coffee. I keep my head down and pretend not to notice Mom nudging Dad and nodding to me. I quietly suck in a breath, already knowing what's about to come.

"So, Ali," Dad starts. "did you have fun last night?"

"Yeah. Great party, as usual." I set the coffee pot down and take a sip from my mug.

"What about James? Did he enjoy it, too?"

"Definitely. He had a blast."

Oh, no. I'd forgotten about him. He's supposed to be coming over here sometime today. He's probably wondering the same thing my parents are thinking and wants to know about Nathan, too. But James hasn't texted or called me yet to let me know when he's coming.

And why are my parents taking so long to get to the point of this conversation? Why do they always have to make me feel nervous by cross-examining me?

"Can you guys just ask me what your real question is? I already know it has nothing to do with the party or James. I wasn't born yesterday, you know."

"All right." Mom puts her pen down and looks away from her planner. "You got us. As you probably know, we saw Nathan there at the party last night."

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