Chapter 9

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The scent of sandalwood seeped from the opening. He knew I loved that smell. He knew me well. I grabbed the doorknob, twisted it open, and entered the room, stopping once I saw how beautifully decorated the space was. Three tall white candles stood erect atop of a nightstand, all of them shining with a warm orange glow. Red rose petals were spread around them, encircling the candle holders and some leading to the bed. Next to the candles, four incense sticks burned, the vapor rising to the ceiling; that's where the smell came from. I looked to the bed, which was nicely decorated with fine-looking fabrics. I saw a small box of chocolate-covered strawberries alongside a bottle of wine.

I put a hand up to my mouth, smiling. This was so nice of him to do this for me. I'm definitely going to show him my appreciation when he comes.

As if on cue, the door closed gently from behind me. That must be him. The fluttery feeling kicks into high gear. I smoothed my dress, hoping it looked all right.

When I turned around to face him, I was blinded by a bright flash. Little white spots filled my vision. I tried to blink them away at the same time I tried to see where the flash came from. With one look at the person who caused it, my heart sank. The corners of my lips turned down. The person in front of me wasn't him. It wasn't the man I was planning on being with. My blood slowly started to boil as I shot a look of annoyance his way. He was being a thorn in my side now. When will it stop? When will he learn? He simply doesn't get it.

"What do you think?" he asked me.

I crossed my arms and leveled my head with his. "If I would've known this was your doing, I wouldn't have even bothered to show up."

"But I planned everything out just right. The chocolate strawberries, the candles, the wine. I wanted it to be perfect for you. For us."

"Does this look like a face that cares?"

"You don't understand, Erika. I went through the trouble of making it perfect. Getting someplace on this side of Atlanta isn't cheap, you know. I figured you'd like it here and would want to spend the night with me. I want to be with you."

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