Chapter 13

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"So how's your trip in Australia going?" I ask Nevaeh while lying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Sis, it's going wonderfully. We're having a blast over here!" she replies happily. I can imagine her grinning stupidly over the phone.

It's nice to know one of us is having a good time somewhere. At least it makes me feel glad that Nevaeh is enjoying herself even though I have trouble sleeping.

"Really? That's good."

"You wanna know something? My friends and I stopped at this bar yesterday after dinner to have a few drinks and I got this guy flirting with me. He didn't hide it, either. Had no shame. He even asked for my phone number."

"No kidding?"

She giggles. "He was smokin' hot, too. I was about to hand him my number, but then I found out his girlfriend was at the bar with him. If I would've known he was already taken, I wouldn't have given him the time of day."

"Sounds like a real prince charming," I say.

"I know, right? Men like him are total asshats. But, no worries. I've got all the time in the world to find me a proper man to hook up with."

"I'm sure of it, too."

I really am not in the mood to be talking about Nevaeh's vacation or encounters with Australian men. I don't want to sound rude, but I actually don't want to talk to anybody. The only thing I'm looking forward to is Erika's murder file. Once I get my hands on those papers, then I'll be all right.

Though I haven't heard from Nathan in a week and it's making me kind of nervous. The whole time I've been thinking negative thoughts, and wondering if maybe I'd made a mistake for contacting him. Maybe he doesn't really want to help me and he backed out. Or maybe he couldn't find anything and that's why he hasn't called.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rings, which makes me jump. My brows furrow. Who can that be at this time? It's only nine fifteen in the morning.

"Um, Nev, I gotta go. There's someone at the door. Do you mind if I call you later?" I ask.

"No, that's fine. Call me whenever you can, okay?" she replies.

"All right."

"I love you."

"Love you, too. Have a fun trip."

"Thanks. Bye-bye."

I hang up, setting my phone down on top of my pillow. Getting on my feet, I run out of my bedroom and come up to the front door. I get on my tiptoes to see through the peephole. Nathan's standing on the front porch in his uniform, holding something in his hand. I quickly unlock the door and open it completely.

"Hey, Alexis," he greets once we make eye contact.

"Hey. What brings you here?" I answer, shoving my hands into the pockets of my shorts.

"Well, I was able to get into the murder file of Erika Stryder. I found her mother's criminal history as well. I thought that was important, so I brought both files over. I would've called but I figured driving here would've been better."

"Oh, Nathan, that's great!"

He nods. "Yeah. May I come in or...?"

"Yeah, yeah. You can come in," I say.

I step to the side and gesture for him to walk inside. He makes his way over to the living room. I trail along behind him.

"You mind if I have a seat here?" He points to the couch.

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