Chapter 30 - Merry Christmas

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Sophie's POV

"Do you need any help with that?" Jay asked walking into the kitchen. I was currently in the kitchen at his parents's house in Nottingham cooking tonight's dinner for Christmas along with his mom. The boys were all with their families for christmas. Since Jay was all I had left, I was going to spend this week with his family. "No thanks, we actually want to live after tonight" I joked and he frowned. I shook my head and turned around so I could keep chopping some vegetables for the salad.

Just then I felt two arms going around my waist until getting together at my belly. Jay rested his head on my shoulder and stayed there watching me. Seconds later I felt a pair of lips on my necks making me giggle.

Maureen looked at us with her eyebrows raised and chuckled a bit before returning to what she was doing. I kept chopping the vegetables when I felt Jay's lips on my bare shoulder. "Jay, Could you let me work?" I asked him chuckling. "Nope" he said popping the p at the end. I sighed and finished with the vegetables.

"Ok ok, Jay could you leave Sophie alone and go get ready?" Jay's mom told him and he let me go right away. Leave Maureen to make Jay do something. I chuckled and finished helping her with everything before going to Jay's room to start getting ready.

When I walked into the room, Jay was already out of the bathroom. He was sat on the edge of the bed with a towel wrapped around his waist checking his phone. I closed the door behind me and he looked up and smiled. I smiled back and walked towards him to give him a peck on the lips. He pulled onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

He showed me his phone. "Nareesha and Siva texted me wishing us both a merry christmas" he said and showed me the text. "Aw that's sweet" I said before getting up. I grabbed my towel and made my way to the bathroom leaving Jay on the bedroom getting dressed for tonight.

After taking a warm shower, I dried my body and wrapped the towel around my body before walking out of the bathroom. Jay wasn't in the room so he must've been downstairs already. I put on a red dress and black heels. I straightened my hair and did my makeup a bit dark.

When I walked downstairs I heard some laughs and voices coming from the living room, but before going there I went to the kitchen to see if Jay's mom needed any more help with the dinner. "Is there anything I could help you with?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Everything's ready sweetie, go with Jay and have some fun, I'll be there in a second" she said and I nodded.

As I walked into the living room, I started feeling a bit nervous. I knew Jay's parents and brothers, but meeting his whole family was something new to me. Jay caught me standing on the doorframe. He smiled and stood up and walked towards me. He gave me a peck on the lips, held my hand and walked me further into the room. "Guys, I'd like you to meet Sophie, my girlfriend" he said. "Hi" i said waving a bit smiling. Soon enough I was surrounded by hugs and blessings for us. I thanked them and Jay then took me to one of the couches and we sat side by side.

The night went on slowly. After talking a bit on the living room, Jay's mom called us for dinner. We went to the dining room and after finishing eating, we just sat and talked a bit more. Some minutes after midnight, his family started leaving so we went outside to say goodbye.

As the last one left, we turned around and walked towards the house. Before I walked further into the house, Jay stopped me. I looked at him confused and he pointed up. When I looked up and there was a mistletoe hanging from the doorframe. I smiled and walked to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. He surrounded my waist with his arms and brought me even closer to his body.

After we pulled apart, we kept our foreheads together and just kept looking straight to our eyes. "Merry Christmas, Soph" he said smiling. I chuckle before replying with a "Merry Christmas, Jay". I ran my hand down his arm until I got to his hand. I held it tight and started walking to the stairs. I heard Jay closing the door and then he followed me.

As soon as I got to his room, I collapsed on the bed. "God I'm so tired" I said. "You should put on your PJ's you know?" He suggested chuckling. I nodded. "I have to go and take my makeup off" I said. "Carry me" I pouted joking and lifted my arms. He took it seriously and actually carried me to the bathroom. I laughed through all the way there. After placing my feet gently on the floor, he left the bathroom and I took all my makeup off.

I put on my PJ's and walked back to the bedroom. The lights were already off, but I knew the way to the bed so I left them like that so I wouldn't wake Jay up in case he was already asleep. I laid down on the bed and cuddled up to Jay. Soon enough he responded wrapping an arm around me and kissing my head. I smiled and closed my eyes.

Jay's POV

I moved a bit and didn't feel Sophie closed to me, so I patted the spot next to me just to find it empty. I opened my eyes and sat on the bed. I stretched my arms and then I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. After I got out, I put on some jeans and a V neck blue shirt.

I went downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen making some breakfast. "Morning mom" I greeted and kissed her cheek before taking the plate full of pancaked from her hands to eat some. I sat in the kitchen table and started eating. "Where's Sophie? Have you seen her?" I asked her. "She walked in here earlier, she said she was going to take a walk, she sounded a bit sad" she said. I took my phone and dialed her number but she didn't pick it up. I sighed and tried again but it was in vain.

I sat on the couch for a while waiting for her, but an hour passed and she didn't arrived. That's when it hit me. Maybe I know where she is. "Mom i'm going out!" I yelled before walking out of the house.

I started walking down the street until I got to the place. As I walked further into it, I could see a figure not so far away. After walking some more meters, I recognize the figure as Sophie. Jackpot. I walked towards her and stood next to her. She turned her gaze towards me before looking back down to her mother and brother's graves.

"I figured out you were going to be here" I said quietly. "I just wanted to say hi" she replied. "Why didn't you answer your phone?" I said cupping her face with my hands. "I lost it" she said blushing. "So, you lost your phone and I have mine? Well. That's quite a change on the plot" I said and she chuckled. I tug a strand of hair behind her ear and wrapped an arm around her shoulder bringing her to my side. We stayed there for that it seemed like ages, just watching the graves of a brave woman who raised her two children all alone and a young boy who was another victim of a drunk driver.

After a while we decided to leave and go back home. For the rest of the day we just stayed on the living watching some movies along with my parents and brothers. This had been by far the best christmas ever, and it was all because of that girl. My girl.

A/N: Hello! Sorry for taking so much to update, i don't have much time anymore... And I'm always tired because of college... But this fanfic is coming to an end... Maybe 6 chapters more... Idk... And I'm gonna try to update at least two more times this week...

Again, thank you so much for all your support! Means a lot to me! I can't believe how far I've come, and it's all because of you! So, thank you guys!

Love you, J ;) xx

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