4| Accusation.

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We loved with a love that was more than love.
-Edgar Allan Poe.


Scarlett shook her feet awake as she stood still for a small second. It's been hours since they left and it felt like they have been walking in circles.

"You okay?" Finn asked from beside her, concerned.

"Just peachy." She told him, sarcastically. Finn rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Scarlett sighed, looking up at his tall form. "My feet are sore, nothing to worry about." She said, being honest with him. He nodded, looking at the ground for anything to track, but just like every other second he did that there was nothing to track.

"Alright Murphy, where to now?" Bellamy spoke up, the sun falling on his face when he walked out of the shadows. Scarlett couldn't help but swoon.

"I say we lose these first alright?" Murphy complained, holding up his hands.

"Just like five minutes ago, no." Scarlett annoyingly told him, standing beside Sterling. They stood still, waiting for Murphy to tell which way they should go.

"Hey, if we get attacked out here I have nothing to defend myself-" Murphy started but Bellamy broke him off.

"I don't care."

Finn sighed, walking to Murphy and undoing his handcuffs. Murphy muttered a thank you as Scarlett shot forward, slapping Finn at the back of his head.

"Ow!" He yelled, his eyes wide.

"What the actual squirrels do you think you're doing?" She questioned.

"Squirrels?" Monroe whispered confused, hiding a laugh bubbeling up her throat.

"Trying to give a good example for this devilish kid right here." She whispered to her, her hand beside her mouth.

"We can hear you, Love." Bellamy muttered.

"Right... Anyhow, what the hell, Finn!" She yelled.

"It was his idea to bring him." Finn pointed to Bellamy, walking back to the spot he stood before he uncuffed Murphy.

"Yeah, because he's the only one who's seen where the Grounders keep their prisoners." Bellamy explained for the fifth time this walk. Scarlett huffed, walking forward again. Sometimes she just wished that those two wouldn't bicker so much. The boys and Monroe followed her, trying to stay together as a group.

The blonde listened to the conversation Bellamy and Finn were having. She just couldn't help herself.

"Then you probably shouldn't let him be defenseless out here. We can handle Murphy." Finn told him. Bellamy slowed down, letting Finn his words sink in.

"Better hope so."

Apparently Scarlett wasn't the only one who had been listening to the two boys, as Murphy hurried forward, asking for a gun.

Bellamy glared at him, pushing him ahead but a little to hard when he bumped against Scarlett. She turned around, a scowl on her face.

"Touch me again and I'll break you." She told him with a low voice. She knew it wasn't his fault that he bumped against her, Bellamy pushed him, she heard that. Scarlett just wanted to make it very clear that she isn't someone to play around with.

Murphy held his hands up in surrender, walking a bit faster so he walked between Scarlett and Finn in.

Murphy had to admit, Clarke was scary when she was angry but Scarlett was ten times worser than her. He never knew if she was going to do it for real, you never knew it for real and he knew that she could do it if she liked to.

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