22| Lust.

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Feelings never do make sense.
They get you all confused.
The they drive you around
for hours before they drop you
right back were you startes.

-Blair Waldorf.


Classical music filled the room as soon as Bellamy and Scarlett entered President Wallace's room.

"Your evening meal, President Wallace." Scarlett smirked, putting it down.

"Who are you?" The president asked, warned by the two.

"Jasper sent us. We need your help. Your son is killing my friends." Bellamy said, getting straight to the point because of the lack of time.

"I'm a prisoner, same as them." He reasoned.

"A prisoner who knows every inch of this mountain, every security measure." Scarlett shot back, crossing her arms.

"Who's helping you?" He asked suspiciously.

"That's not important right now." Bellamy said.

"After Clarke escaped, I had all exits fortified and put under extra surveillance. My son has no doubt changed all access and entrance codes by now. Your friends will never even make it off of level five."

"We won't let them die here." Bellamy said lowely.

"I'm sorry. I can't help them escape." The president answered, "But I may be able to buy them some time." Scarlett smiled in victory and chuckled at the irony of it all. Son turns against his father, father turns against son.


"Talk to me. What do you see?" Raven asked for report as the couple crawls through the vents once again.

"Close your eyes. Imagine a bottomless pit." Bellamy tried.

"Or Hell. Hell works too." Scarlett added, loud enough for Raven to hear.

"Just stick with it. According to Dante's coordinates, you're almost there." She told them. Scarlett could see Raven her eyes burn with excitement as their plan was working so far.

"What's happening on your end? Did they evacuate Tondc?" Bellamy asked.

"Don't know yet, but it's Clarke. She'll get it done. Just concentrate on squeezing your ass through that vent and stop worrying about your sister." Raven noticed the distraction and changed the subject back. He lowered himself on the ladder that led to the dark pit, Scarlett following his movements.

"Octavia's in Tondc? She's there? Raven."

"She's gonna be okay. Clarke fired out of here. She's gonna get there on time." Raven reassured him.

"How could you keep this from me?" Bellamy asked in disbelieve.

"Blake, I love you but please calm the fuck down. Believe me when I say that O can handle herself." Scarlett told him as they climbed down further.

"Clarke was trying to protect you. Listen. You still have a job to do. I know you're worried about Octavia, but you have to focus and listen to Scar if you can't." Raven told him.

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