14| Underneath the stars.

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Normality is a paved road: It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.
-Vincent van Gogh.


Scarlett couldn't think straight after she had left Lexa her base. She had ignored everyone and stayed in her and Bellamy's poorly lit and dull room all day.

When she had rushed inside Camp Jaha they pried the truth out of her. They were shocked, maybe that's why Scarlett was hiding- scared of facing them, scared of being abondened.

A soft knock was heard on the wall beside the ajar door. "Who's there?" Scarlett murmered, her back facing the doorway and her forhead leaning against the cold, metal, grey wall.

"Me." The voice of her sister made her turn around. Clarke her eyes stood worried, she looked tired but so did anyone else.

"Where are they?" Scarlett croaked out from the long time of not talking.

"Outside, worrying about you." Clarke replied, sitting beside her.

Scarlett sighed, looking down at her feet. Her boots were covered in dirt, "They shouldn't. I'll be fine. Just tell Finn to hide- run."

"I don't think we can, Scar. The Grounders know every inch of this place- of the woods. We can't outsmart them."

"We can try, okay?!" Scarlett yelled, standing up and running outside- to Finn. She needed to hide them, she couldn't let him die.  She stepped foot outside, spotting and hearing Finn and Bellamy talk.

"-easier to defend if it comes to that." She heard Bellamy say. Scarlett allowed a small smile on her lips, happy someone tried.

"I'm not gonna hide." Finn replied. Scarlett rolled her eyes. Of course he had to be brave.

"Now is not the time to be brave, Finn. Right now, we've to think about keeping you safe." She spoke up, causing them to look up at her in suprise.

"You're gonna rule against the Commander when she asked you to join her side?" Finn questioned. Scarlett smirked, nodding.

"There would be a very good, valid reason for me to join them. I'm gonna talk to Lincoln. You-" She pointed to Finn, "-Stay safe. Keep an eye out for him, Bells." Scarlett finished. Bellamy nodded, pressing a quick kiss on her nose before walking away with Finn.

"Hey. Any orders for me, Princess?" Murphy poke up. Scarlett gave him a dangerous glare.

"Stay away from me." She growled.

"Just trying to be helpful." Murphy shrugged.

Scarlett chuckled dryly, "Try all you want, but you and helpful is not gonna end well. You were with him at the village." She spat.

"I tried to stop him."

"Not hard enough. You could've done so many things to stop him, but you didn't. You're a coward, John." She turned around and walked away, not hearing what he said to her.


Scarlett walked into the medical bay, where she found Lincoln handcuffed to the cold, metal operation table.

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